Normandie Coeur

Seamus Gabardini
19 Sep 2009 09:42:49AM
Following some rather disagreeable discussions with a pompus English Prize Court and a complete misunderstanding over ritefull salvage, me land lady was good enough to suggest them lads with the long staffs outside the inn mite be bailiffs men and that a quick passage by night could be have for a bit of copper in the rite palm. As the German Shepherd seemed willing and the sea trunk already packed we were French Coast bound by 6 bells. Arriving in the Harbour of Normandie Coeur in time for breakfast we found the place in need of a Harbour Master, the previous holder of the position having last been seen trying to maintain his grip on a brown bottle while in one of them infernal row boats, which populate the inland waters, going down a set of rapids. The local Duc being of good nature and not too pressing on referances and me being both available and light in the purse, we came to accord on the matter of the vacancy. Normandie being a fine harbour for sailing with an island between the main and outer bay, frequented by experianced seaman and landsman alike. The warf and pier area pleasant to strolling couples with vessels to tour and an Art Gallery with some modest works to view. Be mindful of Norma usually found in her pasture on the island. Approaching from her sternsheets has been known to be dangerous. All and all a fine respite from dodgin Kings ships and angry prize courts with a shopping district for the lasses within a short stretch of the legs.