Forum Activity for @kghia

05 Aug 2017 11:49:58AM
2 posts

Foray Literary Society notes and plans

Communty News & Events

Merry Chase:

I regret that due to illness and family demands (it never rains but it pours) I have to cancel FORAY for the foreseeable future. Many thanks to all who have been a part of our meeting and sharing. I really enjoyed hosting. I'm just sorry I can't continue! 

I'm sorry to hear that, Merry, but I'm glad you are prioritizing the truly important things rather than trying to do everything. If things settle and you pick up the discussion group again, I will be happy to participate. 

Be well. 

08 Jul 2017 11:19:15AM
2 posts

Foray Literary Society notes and plans

Communty News & Events

Putting this title here, perhaps for future discussion: The Jane Austen Project by Kathleen A. Flynn. Apparently it is a mashup of Jane Austen and Thursday Next.