Age of Reason
Avatar: TatianaDokuchic Varriale
VW: Second Life

Location: Ottawa, ON
Country: CA
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Looking Your Best in the 18th Century: Clothing & Hairstyles

Serenek Timeless
4 years ago
33 posts

We are very blessed in 18th century SL to be able to throw on a gown (or frock coat), add a body alpha to make sure the clothing fits correctly, and toss on the appropriate hairstyle or wig all pre-styled and fitted.  And presto! -- we're dressed.  It wasn't actually like that in the 18th century.  Take a look at the videos below to see why it took awhile to get oneself looking proper enough to go out in public.  The videos also answer the burning question of why there were so many servants in the 18th century -- nobody would have been able to get dressed without them!

How 18th c. Women Got Dressed

From the National Museums in Liverpool - Getting Dressed in 18th c. England

18th c. Women's Hair Styling

18th Century Hair Styling with American Duchess

For even more on 18th c. women's clothing check out The American Duchess YouTube channel .

How 18th c. Men Got Dressed

From the National Museums in Liverpool - Getting Dressed in 18th c. England - Men

And here are a few other interesting video tidbits on men's clothing:

French Gentleman Getting Dressed in the 18th c.

Dressing a British Grenadier

updated by @serenek-timeless: 04 Apr 2021 11:50:37AM
Sir Thomas Cave
4 years ago
149 posts

Thanks for the link! We all know how to throw on clothes, but it's nice to see the process of getting dressed to get that final look.