I was so impertinent to steal this lovely vid by our Sophia Trefusis (aka Contessa di Loredan) I just found on youtube :Dmusic by Yelle - Safari Disco Club (we share the same taste of music!!)many thanks to adolpho too who made this wonderful event possible!!
I am terribly sorry! I am not very reliable when I am tired haha
I also said Alphonso in one of the notices...so thats why you probably got it wrong hehe. ADOLPHO!!!
yelle btw!!
Oh NO! I wrote Alphonse not Adolpho *smacks face* doh!
And Nim would be prettyupset I stole her title
As shes Foscari
Im Loredan. Glad you liked it though.:))
Well Alphonse rolls of the tongue easier
oh where are you??? :D