Anne, Comtesse de Noailles
Avatar: MarieJosette Laville
VW: Second Life

Location: Chateau de Versailles
Country: FR
Donate to LHVW

Véronique Gens - Enfin, il est en ma puissance - Armide - Gluck

Set during the First Crusade, this is the love story of the sorceress Armide and the Christian knight Renaud. At war with the Christian Crusaders, Armide ensnares her enemy Renaud with her magic spells, but at the moment she raises her dagger to kill him, she finds herself falling in love with him. She casts a spell to make him fall in love with her in return, but two of his fellow soldiers find their way to Renaud, and break her spell. Renaud is thus able to escape from Armide, who is left in enraged despair...sounds like an every day situation to me. Men are evil ;)
Anne, Comtesse de Noailles
01 Dec 2010 05:41:23AM @anne-comtesse-de-noailles:
Captain Sir Walter Gedenspire
01 Dec 2010 08:06:37AM @captain-sir-walter-gedenspire:
hmmmm - testosterone fest indeed!
Captain Sir Walter Gedenspire
01 Dec 2010 12:01:22PM @captain-sir-walter-gedenspire:
after a plethora of of offerings of frilly frocks, frilly furniture, frilly castrati, and frilly arias, there have been two posts of a more manly nature.and its a testosterone dear sister is trying to ignite a battle of the sexes.en garde!
Madame Desireme Fallen
02 Dec 2010 05:04:59AM @madame-desireme-fallen:
I say ,with eagerness, let the duel commence and we will see how long it takes for my dear Captainand the other men to say touch. Applauds my dear Stormy, a woman of taste, refinement, and beauty!
Anne, Comtesse de Noailles
02 Dec 2010 05:46:51AM @anne-comtesse-de-noailles:
when it comes to beauty we cannot be beaten! I officially accept this rather ridiculous offer! EN GARDE!