Capacitatodd Principe diMelioria
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notes from the journal of Capacitatodd Elswit, Principe di Melioria

user image 2010-10-27
By: Capacitatodd Principe diMelioria
Posted in:

27 ottobre dellanno del Signore 1779

With the blessings of God my ships have returned safely through what my men say were the worst seas they have seen. A storm so great and lumbering that it bares truth to the old tales of the allegiance between Titans and Aegaeon. They barely made it to safe harbour. This confirms my fears. Death comes on an ebb tide and we have lost many to Heaven this week for the tides of Melioria ebbed fiercely away. I thought at first was just a seasonal Borasco but from the look of the skies today something fearful is coming.
