Catalina Méndez de Haro y Guzmán
Avatar: Emma Streusel
VW: Second Life

Location: Royal Palace of Aranjuez (OSGrid)
Country: ES
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Violin and continuo sonata in E flat Major, Juan de Ledesma

Violin and continuo sonata in E flat Major, Juan de LedesmaJuan de Ledesma (c.1713-1781) Sonata para violn y bajo continuo en Mi bemol mayor: Allegro/Largo dulce/Allegro. Blai Justo-Violn barroco. Elisa Joglar-Viol...
Alessandra di Fiorentino-Conti
19 Jan 2013 07:53:50AM @alessandra-di-fiorentino-conti:

Very Beautiful ! TY for sharing :-)