Christmas Seasons and Yule tide...
Christmas Seasons and Yule tide celebrations in Regency Somerset
“Caput apri defero
Reddens laudes Domino”
The boar’s head in hand bring I,
Bedeck'd with bays and rosemary.
I pray you, my masters, be merry.
Quot estis in convivio”
A Boar has been procured by the nelson’s Blood Tavern, and made ready to roast. The Head has been prepared with Thyme, Rosemary, spices and apples, roasted to golden perfection to be served to our guest.
As with the fashion set by Queen Charlotte, a Yule Tree been set out and decorated.
Over in the Orangery, Anther Yule Tree ben set up, and some toys have been set up to entertain.
“Caput apri defero
Reddens laudes Domino”
The boar’s head in hand bring I,
Bedeck'd with bays and rosemary.
I pray you, my masters, be merry.
Quot estis in convivio”
A Boar has been procured by the nelson’s Blood Tavern, and made ready to roast. The Head has been prepared with Thyme, Rosemary, spices and apples, roasted to golden perfection to be served to our guest.
As with the fashion set by Queen Charlotte, a Yule Tree been set out and decorated.
Over in the Orangery, Anther Yule Tree ben set up, and some toys have been set up to entertain.