Docteur Panacek
Avatar: Pekel Panacek
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Ultimate Assassin's Creed 3 song

Assassin's Creed is a very popular Game series at the moment. You play as a member of a secret society called "The Assassin's". Their enemy's are the "Order of the Templars", who want to take over World Domination (how original). This very successful 3th part takes place in the New World, where you meet historical figures like Benjamin Franklin, and try to help George Washington win the American Revolution.I not only love the game, but this little satirical video clip is hilarious. Certainly if you are familiar with the game-play.Enjoy, Pekel
Sophia Trefusis
14 Jun 2013 02:21:25AM @sophia-trefusis:

SMOSH! ... I like it :)