Forum Activity for @merry-chase

Merry Chase
30 Mar 2017 08:41:46PM
154 posts

'Victoria' Is About To Become Your Biggest Non-Guilty Pleasure


Yes, Victoria became a much more human and sympathetic character for me, when we saw her facing the same terrors that confronted all pregnant women of her era. 

The relationship between Victoria and Albert is charming. Not without conflict, and not too sappy, I think it was very well written and well played. I hope their real relationship was much like what we saw on the screen.

Merry Chase
29 Mar 2017 11:16:24AM
154 posts

Music as a Mirror of History: Audio Course

Book Lovers

Here's a summary blurb: 

In the worlds of painting and literature, it's easy to see where history and art intersect. In Picasso's Guernica or Tolstoy's War and Peace, it's evident how works of art mirror and participate in the life of their times, sometimes even playing roles in historical events. But what about music? 

In Music as a Mirror of History, Great Courses favorite Professor Greenberg of San Francisco Performances returns with a fascinating and provocative premise: Despite the abstractness and the universality of music - and our habit of listening to it divorced from any historical context - music is a mirror of the historical setting in which it was created. Music carries a rich spectrum of social, cultural, historical, and philosophical information, all grounded in the life and experience of the composer - if you're aware of what you're listening to. In these 24 lectures, you'll explore how composers convey such explicit information, evoking specific states of mind and giving voice to communal emotions, all colored by their own personal experiences. Music lovers and history enthusiasts alike will be enthralled by this exploration of how momentous compositions have responded to - and inspired - pivotal events. 

Ranging widely across the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries, you witness historical moments such as the French Revolution, the Napoleonic Wars, the Austrian-Ottoman conflict, the Hungarian nationalist movement, the movement for Italian unification, the economic ascent of the US, the Stalinist regime in the USSR, and World Wars I and II. Across the arc of the course, you'll see how these events were felt and expressed in the music of Mozart, Beethoven, Berlioz, Brahms, Verdi, Wagner, and many others, including modern masters such as Janáček, Górecki, and Crumb, and you'll hear superlative musical excerpts in each lecture. Join us for an unparalleled look into the power and scope of musical art. 

Merry Chase
29 Mar 2017 11:15:18AM
154 posts

Music as a Mirror of History: Audio Course

Book Lovers

I can't recommend this, yet; only because I have yet to hear it. I can attest that Greenberg is an engaging and informative lecturer. His music history courses are fun. This especially history-focused music course should be full of fascinating tidbits for all us history buffs. And for the next fourteen hours it's part of a two-for-one sale so I hope some of you see this fast and can take advantage of that--or spring for it full-price, or, perhaps, look for it in your public library's audiobook collection?

Merry Chase
27 Mar 2017 05:17:40PM
154 posts

To Walk Invisible The Brontë Sisters

Book Lovers

Just watched it and I very much enjoyed it, although I do wish a little attention had been paid to Anne's feminism. 

Merry Chase
17 Mar 2017 06:41:58PM
154 posts

To Walk Invisible The Brontë Sisters

Book Lovers

I'm so excited about this. 

Merry Chase
05 Feb 2017 03:18:24PM
154 posts

Foray Literary Society notes and plans

Communty News & Events

Today's meeting, the 5th monthly meeting of Foray, featured a game of Regency Romance Personals. You can read all about it, and play it yourself,  here.  

Also, we talked a little about the characters and books we drew on for the game. 

At our March 5 meeting we'll talk about three spinoffs from Pride & Prejudice...

For Discussion Next:  

Longbourn  by Jo Baker, 2013.  A look at Pride and Prejudice's world from the point of view of "downstairs." The servants to the Bennet, Bingley. and Darcy families are seen to have lives -- and story lines! -- of their own, as authentic and perhaps even more moving than those of their employers. While providing us with these new characters, Baker also sheds new light on the motivations of Austen's beloved ensemble. 

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies  by Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith, 2009.  In this parody, the familiar story unfolds with a twist. Zombies are terrorizing dear England, and accomplished young ladies like Miss Elizabeth Bennet must wield their swords to combat the foe.  Blood, guts, mayhem, and much merriment ensue! 

Death Comes to Pemberley  by P. D. James, 2011 . Back in a more traditional setting (no zombies) we return to the cast of Pride and Prejudice and to their familiar haunts, but James takes us beyond the years covered by Austen, plus unveils a dastardly murder mystery. Enjoy the whodunnit while taking in fascinating details of how life unfolded for Austen's cast of characters after the happily-ever-after of the original book. 

I hope to see you at our reading room in Port Austen, Antiquity. We'll meet at 10am on Sunday 5 March. 

Merry Chase
05 Feb 2017 12:40:37PM
154 posts

Are you fond of tarts?? A Book Lovers' Game: Regency Romantic Personals! Play right here.

Book Lovers

Here are some we came up with at today's Foray meeting. 

Merry Chase: Mature sea captain ISO serious woman. Intention, marriage. Must be sufficiently adult to overlook lack of attention, long absences, meaningless dalliances with younger women. Be steadfast and true and I’m yours…eventually. Respond by letter to Capt F. Wentworth, Naval Office, Brighton. 

Talia Sunsong: Wickham: Miss, I would invite you to a ball, but Darcy would scowl at me all night long. Would you mind terribly if we dance in the garden tonight instead?

Talia Sunsong: Emma personal ad: Meddling matchmaker seeks match for self. Pretty, a bit vain but good at heart. Will make fun of poorer friends, but will feel bad about it later.  Puts up with rude fiance who teaches lessons to immature young ladies.

Merry Chase: Maiden of a certain age sees December romance in the cards. Me: of good old Cornish family, strong and wise, with powerful evil eye. You: no nonsense gentleman of the old sort who likes his brandy and a bawdy laugh. Let’s get together and recall the good old Georgian days as captured by Rowlandson. Reply to Agatha Poldark, Trenwith. 

Merry Chase: Here's a random one-liner. She: Is the codpiece back in style or are you glad to see me?

Talia Sunsong: Darcy: Brooding, ultra rich aristocrat, heavy handed in advising friends on whom to marry, seeks no one, as no woman is good enough looking to tempt me.

Merry Chase: Modest Naval Surgeon seeks independent beauty with fiery spirit. Knowledge of natural history and interest in current political affairs helpful but not required. Respond to Dr. S. Maturin, The Grapes. 

Kghia Gherardi: Young woman with little income, passion for Gothic novels and an overactive imagination seeks patient gentleman with common sense. 
(Can you guess the heroine?)

Merry Chase
05 Feb 2017 12:38:57PM
154 posts

Are you fond of tarts?? A Book Lovers' Game: Regency Romantic Personals! Play right here.

Book Lovers

Are you fond of tarts? Regency Romantic Personals

This game was invented at a Foray meeting by Kghia Gherardi and me, but we can play it right here just as well! 

“Sir, are you fond of tarts?”

“Meet me in the gazebo and I’ll help you with that corset.”

Write a pickup line, personals ad, or brief dating profile, as if it were 1800 to 1820 or so... for yourself or for a character in a book, or for any random Regency personality.

Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin and Diana Villiers would all be fun from Patrick OBrian's novels.

Or of course Elizabeth or Darcy from Pride and Prejudice.

Or your RP character, or the girl who sells tarts, or a random roguish rake…let your imagination run riot in the Regency. 

The language isn’t as important as the ideas. Something like, “Handsome rogue ISO innocent maiden,“ could do fine!

Scribble away, and have fun. 

Merry Chase
02 Feb 2017 07:18:01PM
154 posts

Valentine Special from Merry's Tarot

Everything Else

Throughout February, Relationship readings for singles or couples, 25% off! Makes a great gift. 


Merry Chase
17 Jan 2017 11:22:50AM
154 posts

Foray Literary Society notes and plans

Communty News & Events

Since last time I've migrated computers so I can't add a very detailed account of the January 1 meeting. It was a very small meeting, and we talked about characters in depth, and made some comparisons between plots in Pride and Prejudice vs Master and Commander

The big news is, we came up with a great new game! 

Next meeting we launch it: Regency Personals! It's a writing game. Write a short blurb of a few lines, in the style you think one of our favorite Regency characters might use in a dating profile. How would Elizabeth Bennet or Mr Darcy describe themselves on OK Cupid? How would Captain Jack Aubrey or Diana Villiers put themselves out there on Tinder? Or maybe you'll come up with a Chance Encounters listing? Bring your short writings in to share at the 5 February meeting of time for St. Valentine's Day!
