Henri-Armand de Tancarville
VW: Second Life

Location: Rochester, MI
Country: US
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The Guest Bed

user image 2012-09-26
By: Henri-Armand de Tancarville
Posted in:

He had been sent away by his wife to sleep alone in the guest bedroom, a act that he himself felt was one of treachery by his wife and earned her a sound slap on the face. Even more an insult to himself was she'd demanded that a docteur pay them a call to make sure there were no vermin lurking between the sheets. Henri-Armand was furious and thankfully the docteur did indeed arrive that night, still he was no longer in the mood to bed his wife. The man proved that he had nothing wrong with him, other than a short and very explosive temper. A trait well known of his family. Even seen first hand by the Valet who wore the soup he flung across the room. That was enough to keep any man afraid and holding his tongue.

He grumbled to himself in bed, staring up in the darkness that he suffered too much embarrassmentby his insolent wife... tomorrow though, would be a new day.

Marie-Amelie de Tancarville
29 Sep 2012 04:08:42PM @marie-amelie-de-tancarville:

Hehe explosive tempers indeed. Amelie is more of an inward schemer tho, she likes her revenge sweet and cunning rather than throwing hissy fits. Sharp tounge perhaps ;)