VW: Second Life
Country: GB

A letter to my parents ~ On the run
[A letter is found by the maid, Katie, on Olivia's desk, marked to her parents but not sent by any courier. It is immediately sent by rider to the Northern estate house]
Dearest Mama and Papa:
I have written this over and again, in an attempt to tell my feelings, but time runs short, and I must finally have it done. I have received Mama's letter advising me to follow with haste her instructions to come North and to marry the Baron Clive. I know now that Katie must have spied upon me, and I know that she is not true and loyal to me, but to you both. This saddens me beyond words, but so be it. I shall tell you, in my own words, what she chose to tell you in her's.
These several weeks, I have come to know and to love a young man. This, in itself, should bring joy to the hearts of a young girl's parents, but I find myself instead faced with a consequence of that love which I cannot bear. I am quite sure that the Baron Clive is a fine and noble gentleman. I am also quite sure that you have the best intentions for my future in the match. But, I pray you... both of you... think back to when you first met. I have heard the story told to me as long as I can remember; how great a love that you, Papa, felt for you, Mama, and how he would bear no obstacle to your marriage.
Fortune smiled upon you, as there was no impediment to the match, in that a gentle birth was assured and peerage proven. Answer this with your heart, Papa, I beg you: Were that not so, would you have given up your great love for the betterment of your fortune?
I know that you believe me a good and loving daughter, and I know within the very core of my heart that I have, for as long as I have lived, I have followed your instruction, regardless of its impact upon myself. But, I cannot do so now. I cannot and will not do as you command. Not this time.
My heart is set upon this young man. I shall not tell you his name for I know that you would do him ill, Papa. I have packed what I am able in short time, and am leaving England this very night to seek him out in another country. I shall not tell you of my whereabouts or any details of my passage until we are joined in a bond before the eyes of the Creator.
Know that my heart is heavy with this choice, for I wish to be a good and obedient daughter, and be a blessing to you both.
Please thank the Baron for his generous and tempting offer, and advise him that I am unable to accept his proposal, for I am promised to another.
I shall write as soon as I am able, and until then, please know that I am your loving daughter, and devoted to your every happiness, but this.
In the country house, as the Duke and Duchess enjoy an afternoon on the lawn, a rider hands the letter over, and a roar of anger is expelled from her father's lungs. He immediately stands, toppling the table and the tea, as her mother takes the letter and reads. Her expression turns to one of horror as the Duke storms toward the stables.
Before he can ride off, however, the Baron arrives in his carriage holding up a small brown book and calling out to the Duke. A short conversation ensues, and it becomes clear that the maid had been watching Olivia's actions closely, and although Olivia had made every effort to hide the few trunks she meant to flee with, Katie found them, and pulled her journal from the contents. The Duke reads its contents, sure that this will prove useful in tracking her, gives his blessing to the Baron to take it, and use it as he sees fit.
Shortly after, at the pier, the Duke sees that six of his fleet of merchant vessels are sent out. Four to the North, South, East and West, one to La Rocca Sorrentina, (where Olivia had traveled to often) carrying the Baron onboard, and one to France to seek information there.
The Duke returns to find the Duchess overcome with worry. He does his best to soothe her, but something that he read in the journal comes to mind and he tells her not to fret; that he will return in a fortnight, and all will be well. The Duchess, assured of a positive outcome, seems calmer, and the Duke sets out for a destination mentioned more than just in passing in Olivia's journal. He tells no one.
To be continued....