VW: Second Life
Country: GB

Where there's a will . . .
" Finally, he came to the point. "I must apologize for the lengthy preface, Baroness," he began, "but these matters must be seen to with great care." I waited, perched on my chair and he continued "The long and the short of it, is that the Baron had planned to leave a rather large chunk of his estate to a woman named Katie." My heart stopped beating. I knew that it was the wretched maid of whom he spoke; the very one who told of my plans to flee to Belgium with Edward. I nearly moaned aloud at the thought of his name... to think of that at such a time only added salt to my wound. I was dumbfounded. The Baron must have kept the little shrew as a concubine, and his intentions were to give her what was due to me, his wife!"
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Love your story and the way you describes your feelings. It is a pleasure to read it.
Thank you!