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Chapter I: The Courtier Femininus Superbus

Anne, Comtesse de Noailles
14 years ago
263 posts


The courtier femininus superbus (lat.: haughty) belongs to the species of arrogant, elegant and haughty creatures of the high society. A side branch of the homo sapiens sapiens which emerged mainly during the feudal age in the centre of Europe

The term is mostly associated with the Courtier femininus superbus franca settled in the area of today's France, but one strictly has to distinguish it from the courtier femininus superbus europiensis. Both are relatives, but their behaviour differs considerably.

The franca branch of the courtier superbus tends to wear large amounts of additional hair which they violently rip out of members belonging to other branches such as the homo peasant is bonus that they consider a lower species.

There are some particular traits of the courtier femininus superbus franca we would like to analyse in the following chapters.

Chapter I : Marking of territory

1086_discussions.jpg?width=750 The courtier femininus superbus has developped a custom of marking their territory with an object known as posestand.

These relicts can be found in noble houses, palaces and mostly in parks and gardens around bigger palaces. It can have both the meaning "I was here, I am gone" or even "I was here! Back off!" since the courtier femininus superbus never removes things himself. So whenever one happens to find such a relict be sure to check its state and its age if possible in order to avoid meeting a courtier femininus superbus.

If pieces of hair, pealr sor jewelry were left close to the posestand we suggest you to leave that place for your own safety. Int his case it is very likely for him to return and claim its property and territory.

Posestands smell of old powder and perfume, so be sure to cover your nose with a handkerchief before approaching.

updated by @anne-comtesse-de-noailles: 06 Oct 2016 06:05:49AM
Anne, Comtesse de Noailles
14 years ago
263 posts
no you are a franca lol
Sophia Trefusis
14 years ago
471 posts
I must be a bit slow today since I read the title several times and everytime "The Courtier Femininus Super-Bus"...
Madame Desireme Fallen
14 years ago
110 posts

Smiling,I have never been classified before...I usually have severalinthe samearea alone...and throughout my homes and gardens... if I could leave them at other people's homes and properties...I would!I must be fabulous where ever Iam.Oh and dont think this is just particular to women.....there are men too among us!!! Laughingly, blows a kiss to her peacockCaptain.

Anne, Comtesse de Noailles
14 years ago
263 posts
this is very interesting. I will conduct further examinations into that matter!
MariaAntonia Barenhaut
14 years ago
125 posts
* reads the article and wonders why MJ has photographed her posestand* What a curious article, personally I've never encountered a Courtier Femininus Superbus. I wonder why..
MariaAntonia Barenhaut
14 years ago
125 posts

I love learning about new species :)

I believe there's a one called Courtier Femininus Superbus Franca Favolosi

Colloquially known as 'Rochefort' in the northern regions of France :P

Anne, Comtesse de Noailles
14 years ago
263 posts
you mean the courtier femininus superbus franca stultus (lat.: stupid)
Madame Desireme Fallen
14 years ago
110 posts
Round 2 to the Comtesse....who I also suspect will have the ultimate knock out punch...pulls up chair to watch andwaits for Rochefort.
MariaAntonia Barenhaut
14 years ago
125 posts
Just because you're a Courtier Femininus suberbus franca melonhedus :P
MariaAntonia Barenhaut
14 years ago
125 posts
No dear, that's you, but it's spelt courtier femininus superbus franca slutus
Henri Louis Marie de Rohan
14 years ago
192 posts
Isn't that the genus that feasts mercilessly on unsuspecting prims?I hear the females can consume thousands a day...
Renonys d'Aquitaine
14 years ago
46 posts
Ditto. :)
Henri Louis Marie de Rohan
14 years ago
192 posts

actually just googled 'Latin Melonhedus'
