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Dinner in Russia, January 13th 1776

Contessa Selina di Loredan
14 years ago
18 posts
No there was no seaside dinner or anything such as that. Inside, many guests, including myself had the honor of having a seat at the table in one of the dining halls of the Imperial Palace in Peterhof. The snow outside calmly dropped and people were ushered in slowly to sit down- though of course not before being greeted by Her Majesty, Tsarina Ekaterina Alekseyevna.We were presented the next Grand Duchess, Princess Maria Feodorovna. I was unable to make it to the last ball where she had her debute, so I was glad to be able to see her this time.There was a lot of interesting discussion, in a range of topics, though sadly no dancing followed- not that it would matter, the lack of men available makes me think we exported them all to the colonies. Either way, I have two photos of the event, I apologize for the lack of variety:This is the gathering, or most of as some either were cut out by mistake or some had yet to show, as we did have maybe three late arrivals.

And here we have the two, of course, stars of the event. On the left, the Empress, and on the right, the Princess and future Grand Duchess.

All who didn't come, you missed out on a pretty good time. Come next time if you are able!
updated by @contessa-selina-di-loredan: 06 Oct 2016 06:03:01AM
Lucy, Duchess of Marlborough
14 years ago
2 posts
It was a night full of good conversation.