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Early to Bed and Early to Rise...

Bedrich Panacek
15 years ago
21 posts

As envoy to France from America, Benjamin Franklin noted in an "anonymous" letter published in 1784,that we French could save our candles by getting up a little earlier and going to bed earlier, thereby making the best use of the availabledaylight.

It seems that the time has come when this weekend, the clocks in our SL will be shifting forward 1 hour. For those of us in Europe, this means that instead of being 9 hours ahead of SLT, we will only be 8 hours ahead for the next 2 weeks (Europe clocks change on the 28th of March).

Take special care to watch the time for the events scheduledon Sunday this weekend, and all of next weekend and the following Saturday. Usually,events that begin at 12 noon SLT occur at 9 pm (21:00) for continentalEurope. However, for the next 2 weeks,12noon SLTevents actually begin at 8 pm (20:00).

This is an especially wonderful time to cherish spring after experienced one of the harshest winters we have seen. Be sure to join in the special events planned this weekend and for the coming week as we celebrate going Green!

updated by @bedrich-panacek: 06 Oct 2016 06:03:12AM
Bedrich Panacek
15 years ago
21 posts
Oh, most certainly! This idea of changing time is confusing for everyone. I can't see it catching on. ;) I suppose it really isn't that important between France and the states in America since it takes weeks to get there. :)
Bedrich Panacek
15 years ago
21 posts
This is certainly true, Contessa. Imagine having to arrange to meet a carriage at a specific time, and having to schedule your children's lessons around Huygen's clock. It seems that our lives are becoming more controlled by the swing of a pendulum than the rising and setting sun, the songs of the birds, or the feelings of romance.