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The Queene is Dead. Long Live the Queene.

Sir William Cecil, Lord Burghley
11 years ago
1 posts

2725_discussions.png Whereas it hath pleased Almighty God to call to His mercy our late Soveraigne Queene Mary, of blessed memorie, by whose decease the imperiall crownes of England, France and Ireland are solely and rightfully come to the high and mightie Princess Elizabeth, we therefore, the Lords spirituall and temporall of the realme, being heere assisted with those of Her late Majestie's Privy Councell, with number of other principal gentlemen of qualitye, with the Lord Maior, Aldermen and citizens of London doe now heereby with one full voyce and consent of tongue and hearte publish and proclayme that the high and mightie Princess Elizabeth is now by the death of our late Soveraigne, of happy memorie, become our only, lawfull, lineall and rightfull Queene Elizabeth, by the Grace of God, Queene of England, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith etc., to whome wee doe acknowledge all faith and constant obedience with all harty and humble affeccion, beseeching God by whome Soveraignes doe raigne to blesse the royall Queene Elizabeth with long and happy yeares to raigne over us.

God Save Queene Elizabeth.
The 17th Daye of November in the Year of Our Lord One Thousande Five-hundred and Fifty-Eight


updated by @sir-william-cecil-lord-burghley: 06 Oct 2016 06:25:03AM
Robert Dudley
11 years ago
2 posts

Long Live the Queene!!!

Lady Amy Robsart
11 years ago
2 posts

Long live the Queene !

Francis Drake
11 years ago
1 posts

Long live the Queen.

Elizabeth " Bess " Throckmorton
11 years ago
2 posts

Long live Elizabeth I, Queen of England !

Walter Raleigh
11 years ago
7 posts

Long live the Queen. :-)

Catarina d'Aragon
11 years ago
23 posts

Long live the Queen! My dear cousin, Elizabeth I