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Important Mile stone has been reached with Regency Somerset

12 years ago
103 posts

Announcing the realization of some Important Mile stone has been reached with Regency Somerset, which I would be remise If I did not recognize them.

It now been 15 months since I set my quill to Paper to write the basic concepts for a Regency sim. On the 17th. Of May 2013, I received word that the Crescent was ready, the same day I also received word that the New Shops, Inn and Tavern where completed and ready to Set. On the 19th. Of May we held the WhitSunday Regency Picnic ( which I believe went very well, and was very well attended.)

New Landscaping, a Hedge Maze and other improvements.

People coming and enjoying the sim, relaxing on the beach, and vendors creating new items to fill the shops. I think it all going well.

In the Last week, people have been working at refining parts of the sim, Like the Kitchen and the Pantry of the Nelsons Blood Tavern. ( it a Marvel)

I like to think the Work of Crotian, Lady Cara Cali, Merry Chase for all there hard work and creativity, and HRH Jacon for his faith and support in this project.

And Now, I like to Invite all the fans of Jane Austen, the English Regency, Late Georgian era, the age of Napoleon, to come and visit, to explore and to enjoy, Regency Somerset, Argyle, Antiquity SL.


BrendonPatrick MacRory, Esq.

updated by @curtis: 06 Oct 2016 06:20:11AM
12 years ago
103 posts

Port Austen and Regency Somerset on Second Life

Pintrest page

12 years ago
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12 years ago
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12 years ago
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12 years ago
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12 years ago
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12 years ago
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12 years ago
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12 years ago
103 posts

Antiquity Chronicles

" A new Regency Era role play sim has opened in Argyle, Antiquity Estate of Second Life. Some historians regard the Regency Era from @ 1795 to 1837 as a transition from the the Georgian to the Victorian period. It looked to the ancients for inspiration in politics, architecture and fashion and was a time of great cultural, political, and economic change. It occurred during the Napoleonic wars and as the English could not go abroad they developed their own resorts."