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Baroque in Britain: 5 15-minute radio docs

Merry Chase
11 years ago
154 posts

Would Charles I have escaped execution if he had not been such an avid art collector?

History via art - I was just telling Tiamat last night how much I enjoy her art exhibits in which she so skillfully uses paintings to follow cultural trends. Then just now I stumbled across this series which aired in Spring 2013. Fascinating ideas are raised in this brief radio series.

I'm sure many of you already caught these nice 15-minute snippets of culture and history, Baroque in Britain, but here they are for those who, like me, missed them, or those who would like to listen again. I'm just linking the first one and you can find the rest from there.

Baroque in Britain, Episode 1 of 5

And since I looked them up as I listened, I'll share these with you too:

The last thing Charles I saw on this earth.

Utter invention, appropriated as a trophy in a gesture equally baroque.

How the might fall...and rise again.

updated by @merry-chase: 06 Oct 2016 06:31:02AM