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Mrs Piozzi Requests The Pleasure of Your Company...

Stephanie Mesler
10 years ago
93 posts

Thursdays at 5:30 PM
Mrs. Piozzi's Soirees
Thursdays at 5:30 PM PST
Rocca Sorrentina, Second Life

Hester Lynch Thrale Piozzi is back from Tivoli and getting over her great loss among friends on Rocca Sorrentina in Second Life. Being born with a stiff upper lip, Hester has decided the best way forward is, well, forward. In order to re-establish her place in local society, Mrs. Piozzi requests the honor of your company this Thursday night at 5:30 PM PST. At that time, her selected friends will gather for social conversation (RP). The topic on Hester's mind is human flight. Recently (January 1785), two gentlemen - one French, one American -- crossed the English channel in a hot air balloon. Hester is fascinated with the notion that men and - Dare she imagine it? - women might one day fly about in balloons, traveling from place to place untethered and free! Please come to discuss this and other topics on our minds in this very modern age, May of 1785.


updated by @stephanie-mesler: 06 Oct 2016 06:34:51AM