Duche de Coeur Formal Ball-The Lady...
The ball was very well attended and quite the success!!!! Among the beautiful flowers of this colorful event, my petals were bold red...I am the lady in red. I matched my Captain perfectly, who also wore a dashing red Hussar Uniform...who had to leave early. Smiling, I love this dress!!!
Thank you Stormy and Pekel, aka as Baronne and Baronness Panacek, for a wonderful evening.
Thank you Stormy and Pekel, aka as Baronne and Baronness Panacek, for a wonderful evening.
a splendid occasion indeed!
shall we do it all again, my darling Lady in Red?
and my dear Sister and Brother-in-Law - what a magnificent reward for all your efforts!
My dear Captain I will do it again...anywhere with you...your Lady in Red. Oh Stormy, it was a great party and so well attended..I kept crashing..that is always a good sign of attendance!!!!