Skye Varriale
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Big Success at the Bold and Beautiful Ball and Auction!

user image 2010-06-16
By: Skye Varriale
Posted in:

The tables were set and the ballroom decorated as we waited for our guests to arrive. We didn't know what to expect...often events which are for sponsorship don't go well. Imagine our surprise when people started pouring in from not only the Duchy but from many other courts to lend their support to our Performing Arts Academy! During the course of the afternoon over 50 people came to the event and bid on the donations so generously provided from people in and out of our royal court communities. Duc Bedrich and I, along with Baharat Atlas and the Academy members want to give a huge hug to everyone who came and participated! Your generousity will enable us to bring more exciting live events to the Duchy in the coming months. We already have plans for another Art contest and a Music Festival and many other artists are being lined up to perform. You can be sure your donations will be well spent. Thanks to you all again and here

are some pictures from the event. Duchesse Skye