1788 et demi musical trailer

This has been a favorite song(and video) for some time now. I so want to watch this...Pity my french is "trs insuffisante"Original title in french. "1788...et demi""1788 ... and a half depicts the adventures of a family of French nobility, whose entire existence is devoted to pleasure and carelessness. Fantasy, freedom-loving, Count of Saint-Franois Azur and his three daughters live in defiance of all propriety"Music: Arland Wrigley-The Big Solution
Yes its great isnt it?!
So far ive managed to work out (by watching the clips) that the girls mother has run away from home and that the oldest sister is the sensible and smart one,the middle sister is mad about fashion and the youngest sister is a tomboy who wears mens clothing.
And for some reason there are nuns everywhere. 0o
I think this may have made my day!