Anne, Comtesse de Noailles
Avatar: MarieJosette Laville
VW: Second Life

Location: Chateau de Versailles
Country: FR
Donate to LHVW

Crafting of a rococo gown

I find the part when the lady is dressed by the seamtresses particularly interesting. it clearly shows how the pieces of an outfit (ptticoat, bodice and skirt) were connected to each other which one would not expect on the first side!Enjoy!
LadySatine Constantine
02 Apr 2011 10:09:36PM @ladysatine-constantine:
I agree with Madam de Savoie
LouiseBathilde Sapphire
26 Jun 2012 10:50:34PM @louisebathilde-sapphire:

I was actually able to see the gown in the movie. It was stunning, I also got a first hand tour of the shop that they have in the town, I was needless to say, in love!