22 Jun 2010 05:06:46AM @docteur-panacek:
A pity you two had to leave so soon, i didn't even had the chance to have a decent chat... Well, maybe next time Enjoy !
22 Jun 2010 05:18:05AM @captain-sir-walter-gedenspire:
Oh the delights of Midsummer dancing.And my darling the Marquise de Fiennes to frolic with!Our thanks to their British Majesties for the wonderful venue.Fire, autant qu'un vivant, de sa noble statureAvec son gros bouquet, son mouchoir et ses gantsElle a la nonchalance et la dsinvoltureD'une coquette maigre aux airs extravagants.c. Beaudelaire
A pity you two had to leave so soon, i didn't even had the chance to have a decent chat... Well, maybe next time
Oh the delights of Midsummer dancing.And my darling the Marquise de Fiennes to frolic with!Our thanks to their British Majesties for the wonderful venue.Fire, autant qu'un vivant, de sa noble statureAvec son gros bouquet, son mouchoir et ses gantsElle a la nonchalance et la dsinvoltureD'une coquette maigre aux airs extravagants.c. Beaudelaire