Catarina d'Aragon
VW: Second Life

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Country: EU
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RIP - HRM King August Florian, He was the owner of "The Kingdom of Sybraris II"

user image 2014-07-12
By: Catarina d'Aragon
Posted in:

I needed you all who new him and loved him to know, it's with my deepest heart, I must tell you all we lost him real life. He passed away July 8that 12:24pm slt. He was suffering fromorgan failure... liver/kidneys and pneumonia. (This is not rp) We lost our dearest friend. He was an amazing guy with the biggest of biggest hearts.

900_blogs.png In SL we meet and develop relationship that have true bonds behind them, It's very hard to loose someone you called a friend. He was from the UK. Although we can not be at his rl funeral. We will be remembering who is was in SL. There will be astate Funeral for HRM August King and Emperor which will be this Saturday July 12, 2014 at 09:00 -it's a memorial service, no casket.

Lord High Chancellor Edward Prince Ballinger, will Officiate.

Lord High Chancellor Gorman Prince Indigo, will give the Eulogy.

As per our King's living requirements, Formal or Court dress will be required.

Please come and help us celebrate his slife.

Thank you.

Contessa Elena Marina Foscari
12 Jul 2014 06:17:09PM @contessa-elena-marina-foscari:

My thoughts are with all who loved August Floriant in second life and real life....

Lady Leena Fandango
17 Jul 2014 10:42:34AM @lady-leena-fandango:

Sincere sympathies on his loss, and sending prayers to those he left behind in both worlds.