Contessa Elena Marina Foscari
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VW: Second Life

Location: Venezia
Country: IT
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Return to Venezia - part 36

user image 2013-07-29
By: Contessa Elena Marina Foscari
Posted in:

........Dawn was just breaking as Devi slipped out of the taverna where she and Achille were staying. She closed the door gently, wrapped her shawl around her shoulders and set off through the quiet Calle, which the rising sun was tinting with morning pink.

Devi smiled to herself as she thought of Achille. She thought of how well they had been able to work together during their mission, of how easy he was to get along with, of his calm confidence. She thought of his eyes. Of his hair. Then her smile turned to a frown as she hurried along, he still hadn't moved their relationship along. She felt sure that he felt something for her, that maybe he felt the same. Yet he continued to show her nothing more than the respectful attentions of a traveling companion and was driving her crazy.

Without realizing it Devi arrived at the Rialto bridge, where she knew she would probably find Fiorino and his friends. She climbed the steps towards the top of the bridge, quite empty at this hour but soon to be crowded with morning traffic. At the top of the bridge she was able to scan the surrounding area, and sure enough she spied Fiorino and the other boys hanging around the fishermen who were unloading their catch for the market. Often they would let the boys help, in return for a Zechino or a fish.

She called out and when Fiorino turned, she signaled to him to join her at the top of the bridge, which he quickly did.

691_blogs.jpg?width=750 They both smiled and greeted one another warmly.

Fiorino, Thank you for your help with last night.

Did it go well? Fiorino asked, looking hopeful.

Yes, thankfully, it turned out the way Achille had intended. He and I will be able to get Sior Gandt out of Venice, and accompany him back to Sorentino. But we could not have done it without your assistance. Neither of us was in a position to approach him without attracting the attention of the Sbirri, so we couldn't have been able to talk to him. without you leading him to us.

Fiorino nodded. "I did not wish to deceive him, but then it was not really stretching the truth too much to persuade him to follow me by telling him I knew someone woo had information about the Contessa. After all, I really WAS taking him to someone who had that information. I am glad it did arouse his curiosity without me having to actually tell any untruths.

Yes, I knew I could count on you, Devi smiled.

I am happy to have been of service. But I have a favour to ask of you. I would like to send a message to the Contessa. Might that be possible? Could you arrange this for me?

This is no problem. You write the message and I will make sure the Contessa gets it.

But how will you be able to do it? Fiorino's curiosity getting the better of him.

Devi tapped the side of her nose with her finger and smiled.

"If I told you, I'd have to kill you.

Fiorino said he understood and laughed.

And now I must return, before it gets too crowded here and I am seen," said Devi. Bring your letter to the old tavern later on... I will send it to the Contessa. Oh, and one last thing. We will be leaving for Sorentina by ship. Do you and the other boys want to come with us? There will be room. Think about it, will you?

Fio nodded and then bowed. Devi wrapped her shawl around herself and hurried down the steps of the bridge and disappeared into the morning crowd.

Aldo Stern
29 Jul 2013 02:23:26PM @aldo-stern:

what a wonderful picture.

Contessa Elena Marina Foscari
30 Jul 2013 01:59:08PM @contessa-elena-marina-foscari:

TY....with good advice from Fiorino.

Aldo Stern
30 Jul 2013 03:28:27PM @aldo-stern:

I also hope this will put Prospero's mind at ease

Prospero Pastorelli
30 Jul 2013 03:32:33PM @prospero-pastorelli:

Grazie, signor Professore, del pensiero. Yes, I have seen this. Now I know why Fiorino didn't help us bring in the fish, but I am happy he is not betraying good people.

Aldo Stern
30 Jul 2013 09:33:03PM @aldo-stern:

sometimes, my good fellow, there are more important things than a nice fish.