Confusion at the Mill
Yesterday, when Rico and I carried the big yellow sack into the mill, Pepe il Mulinaio began to yell at us most ferociously. What do you think you are doing? Are you trying to make off with my flour without paying for it?.
The miller accuses the boys of stealing
The miller listened attentively to the boys and notes their accents
Rico and I looked at each other and remained most confused, but Rico recovered before I did and responded, By no means, Signore. We carry to you this sack that the Prince of Melioria entrusted to us. We are not taking, but consigning, Signore.
Pepe il Mulinaio became as confused as we were. Consign? Did the Prince tell you to consign to me this flour, when it is my own product? Is it gone bad? Is he unhappy? Yet before either of us could answer, the miller took the bag from us and opened it. He examined the contents, and mumbled to himself as he did so: And yet it is in perfect condition perfect.

The miller eyed us suspiciously: Tell me who you are, boys: I have never seen you before and you sound like you are outsiders. I told him our names and explained that we were freshly arrived from Venezia after the flood, that the Prince was providing us food and housing, and that the same Prince had given us a job this morning to somehow help with the added work of providing for many orphans.
The miller listened attentively, then told us that he would see to it that there was enough whole wheat and barley to serve the Prince's needs. He took the sack of white flour and put it to the side, then gave us two of whole wheat and three of barley, which we loaded up on the cart. He handed us a note as well that was filled with numbers and told us to give it to the Prince's cook, the Signorina Cece.

Just as we were about to get on the cart, Pepe il Mulinaio handed each of us a small cake and told us we were welcome to come again.
The sun was very high in the morning sky as we began to return to Villa Vesuviana: it had been an exciting and confusing morning. Still, it felt good to do something productive, we both agreed, as we ate the cakes and chatted on the way back up the hill to the Prince's villa.