Fiorino Pera
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Homesick kitchen helper

user image 2010-07-04
By: Fiorino Pera
Posted in:
When we were in Venezia it felt like everything was easier. I knew everyone in our area of Dorsoduro, rich and poor. Every day I would go to the fish market where I knew the fishermen; I knew all the gondoliers and I knew every short-cut in the area of the Rialto bridge. I could greet everyone and know whether I was to give them the highest respect or whether I could tease and joke with them. I knew most of the orphans, most of the street boys, and most of the officers in the Guardia. Most were my friends and I have to say that I liked them all and enjoyed to be with them.

Fiorino is homesick for Venezia

Now, I do not wish to complain about Melioria. It is incredibly beautiful. The gardens are open to all of us, and the air that flows in from the sea is fresh and pure. I love to watch the dock workers and the Prince himself has almost made me his special helper, for he gives me many jobs, big and little, to fulfill for him. If I did not have so much nostalgia for Venice, the villa and the village of Melioria would be perfect.

Nostalgia How i miss my Venice!

That is why when I see someone from the city that I knew before, I am always happy, overjoyed, festive! I go crazy with happiness. And today I saw two people that I did not expect to see: the Contessa Elena Foscari and Ambassador Count Loredan.

The Contessina Foscari was sitting quietly in Villa Vesuviana when I came inside with some supplies for the Signorina Cece, who cooks for the count. Signorina Cece is a wonderful cook, but she is not so gentle. She yelled at me for being late. I said it was not my fault that Nella the Asinella refused to climb the hill and I had to carry the supplies up on my back. My excuses did not impress the Signorina Cece who said she would have slapped me for my insolence if she had time, and told me to empty the beans from the sack into three bowls. This I did, and more, for I did not want to displease Cece.

Cece meets Fiorino as he comes up the stairs into the kitchen

The Prince has often told me: Never displease the cook!. I was afraid that it was too late. As diligently as I tried to do everything that Cece told me, I only continued to make a mess. This, of course, only displeased the cook more. What is troubling you, child?, Cece demanded: Why are you in such a tizzy today? But I only fumbled the bowl that I was stirring and risked spilling the contents all over the floor.

Santo Cielo!, Cece exclaimed. I keep telling the Prince to send me girls to work in this kitchen and not these thoughtless, awkward boys! They only learn how to work when you hit them into place. Thats when they learn.

Just as Cece pulled out her rolling pin, the Contessa Foscari came into the kitchen. In the sweetest of voices, the Contessina told the cook that I was needed outside .

Never displease the cook, the Prince has told Fiorino

Cece gave her permission, and the Contessina brought me on to the steps that lead out to the garden. I was very glad to see the Contessa Foscari and wanted to give her a hug, but I knew this was not proper. Still, I wasted no time and immediately asked her if she knew whether the other orphans were going to leave Venezia or stay behind. The Contessa told me that they were all on their way, for Monsignore the Patriarca has secured passage for every one of them .

This was very good news, and I was going to ask more questions about my friends, but just then Count Loredan came walking towards the villa with his own sister, the Contessa Selina. I have known the Conte di Loredan ever since I could remember. Sometimes he even asked me to groom his horse and he allowed me to go with him when he brought out his falcon for hunting at times. He is very intelligent and wise about the world, and has always been very interested in us orphans. In fact, his palace was just across the lane from the orphanage.

The Conte di Loredan and his sister the Contessa approached the villa and greeted the Contessa Foscari

Instead, his sister the Contessa Selina is someone that I have heard about but never seen. They say that she speaks many languages like her Ambassador brother, and that she has visited many countries. I thought it would be good to talk with her like I do with her brother, but when I greeted her, she seemed very curt. I did not know what to do or say, but her brother the Count made a sign to me to be patient and not worry.

Garden Entrance to Villa Vesuviana

Then I realized that I did look like a mess. I was all sweaty from working since early morning, and my face was still flushed from the half-hour I had just spent in Ceces hot kitchen. Perhaps I smelled of garlic and onions, or even smelled like my partner Nella the donkey after hours of hauling supplies to and from the village. It was becoming very uncomfortable for me to stand there. As beautiful as the evening was, the atmosphere in that moment was not clear and calm. I found myself ready to go back to the kitchen. Cece is a tough lady, but after all is said and done, Cecce the Cook accepts each of us, especially us orphans, the way we are and then challenges us, encourages us, teaches us to become better .

Cece the Prince's cook helps the orphans

Federico Maria Giovanelli
23 Jul 2010 03:51:33PM @federico-maria-giovanelli:
My dear Fiorino: reports of your efforts for the other orphans please me: I am proud to know how hard you are working for the Prince of Melioria as he provides for them. It is also a consolation that you are learning new skills as you work with the Signora Cece in the kitchens. Please God the flood waters will subside and you will return soon to Venezia. In the meantime, I continue to pray for your safety and that of all the orphans. P.S. Don Angelo sends his warmest greetings.