Ancient ruins discovered
The prince has been dropping hints to me to explore the estate, but this morning he told Rico and I that his builders had uncovered some ancient ruins near the seaside.
Rico cheers as he discovers the ancient ruins
Fiorino examines the ancient sculpture
The Contessa Rezzonico had been watching the young friends and approached
Contessa Rezzonico warns of moral danger.
The boys make their plans to make the ruins their headquarters
Rico and I did not know what to make of the prince's conversation with us. When the adults are around, the Prince warns us to be careful because there are many dangers at the port, in the hills, in the forest. When there are no adults around, he tells us about fantastic places that we should explore. Rico figures that the prince says what the grownups want to hear when they are near, but that he really wants us to go and explore.
So this morning he was very enthusiastic in giving every detail about the ancient ruins. There is a new science called 'archaeology' that looks for ruins as evidence of life in the past. How exciting that we have ruins right on our own estate. These could point to the presence of something bigger.
Early this morning, when we met some other friends at the docks, Rico and I decided to explore. Stella was there and Santi and Rosaria. Yes! Santi and Rosaria finally arrived from Venezia!! I was so glad to see them - and wanted to take them all over the estate. We went through the gardens and then through the woods and that is when Rico saw them: the ancient ruins!

As exciting as the ruins seemed to be, we could only ask one another: what are they? what do they mean? Our friends were not shy about jumping up on the ancient stone floor to examine this find. Stella, who had made friends with a parrot since coming to Melioria, was the least shy of us. She touched every pillar, and traced her fingers over the inscriptions on the center column. The images seem to be of a god, she mused, but I cannot tell which one.
Santi snorted. That just looks like some man getting out of a bath. It does not seem to be a god to me. That's when I stepped closer. I did not know what to think. The sculpture seemed to be of a man that was standing among huge serpents. Who was that man? What could it mean?

Unlike Stella, I was careful not to touch it. It was a good thing, for just then I heard a woman clear her throat. Do not touch that, Fiorino, she said. I turned around to discover that the Contessa Rezzonico was standing at the edge of the stone floor. I jumped to my feet.
The Contessa Faustina Savorgnan ved. Rezzonico often visits the orphanage where I was brought up. Her palace is almost connected to it. That is why she knows us all by name. But I did not realize she was in Melioria, much less that she had been watching us.

What have you discovered? Is it safe to touch this, do you suppose?, she asked us with a certain tone in her voice, as if to say beware, there is danger here and you must be prudent .
Santi spoke up first: Good day, Contessa! It seems to be very solid. There is no danger here.
It is not physical danger that concerns me, the Contessa said in that very even tone that we knew meant she did not approve. The ancients did not expect children to be climbing on their altars. There are things here that are not for you.
Altar?, Stella echoed. Is this a church? It is a strange kind of an altar if it is, she said, turning around to survey the stone circle again. But the Contessa repeated her warning. It is better not to touch these sorts of places.

Within a few moments, Stella followed the Contessa up the hill and into the village. Santi, Rico and I waited until they were out of sight before venturing back on to the stone platform. A soft sea breeze rustled through the trees, whispering to us to ignore the warnings we had received. This will make a perfect headquarters for us, Santi exclaimed. We can call all the boys to meet here and make our plans while we are away from Venice. This could be our headquarters!.
Rico looked at Santi but did not say anything. Really, they barely knew each other. No matter, Santi went on with plans to organize all the exiled kids and prepare to defend the group. I did not know what he was trying to say. I kept looking at Rico, who kept looking at the ancient, pagan altar. A cold wind blew over us and I saw Rico shiver. Santi did not notice. Maybe the contessa is right, my friends, Rico said. We should be careful about this place.
Rico's statement was accompanied by another cold blast of wind from the sea. We knew it was time to leave, and walked back through the woods and into the village.