Mysterious morning conversations
This morning I went to the docks early, hoping to see evidence of the ships and the men that I heard arguing in my dreams. The docks were very quiet but I did see one person. It was not a pirate and not a sea captain. It was my friend Louis-Charles, who is about my age.
Louis seemed to jump in at my side out of nowhere. I was so surprised by his sudden appearance, but I was also very happy to see him. I did not know that he had come to Melioria.

It had never been clear to me how Louis-Charles, a boy my age, could come to Venezia at sunrise and have dinner in Paris, afternoon tea at Versailles, and come back to Venezia to explore the canals with me as the sun was setting. Well, I say I did not understand. In the first days of our friendship when we would chat or explore together, he would surprise me suddenly and say: I must go to Versailles now, and trot off across the Rialto. Sometimes I would run after him because he had forgotten something, but I would never find him. It seemed strange. But the word Versailles meant nothing to me. I thought it was a section of the city that I had never visited. It was only when Louis-Charles spoke about sailing the Seven Seas with pirates that I finally asked the Contessa Foscari about Versailles. She told me that it was far away, across the mountains, across the plains in Paris -- the court of the French king.
It seemed like we were standing right in the presence of the Czarina
Louis-Charles told me how the Czarina is very warm to children and that she always asks him if there are more children in the court. I found it hard to believe, but Louis-Charles insisted it was what she had said. I could almost see the empress speaking with him and even joking. I even thought she said to him, Lou-Lou, call me Lulu but that was an impossible statement. I tried to focus my mind.
The fact was, the empress was inviting Louis-Charles and me to join a group of children at the court. She did not speak of Versailles or St Petersburg, but of Antiquity She said that we should grow to uphold the virtues of the ancients, and that we could help one another to do so.
We want you to meet a girl who is your age and who is organizing all this. Her name is Abigail. If she were here she would explain everything to you. As soon as she said this, the empress looked up to the ceiling, and waved her hand. A bright light seemed to pierce through the ceiling and fill the room. I became aware that a girl about our age appeared in front of us then - it seemed to me that she came out of nowhere.
Here is my dear Abigail now. Please, darling, explain your plans for the Antiquity Children to these two boys. You do a better job than we do, the Czarina said. Louis-Charles became very attentive, and I imitated him in my posture and attitude. What did Abigail have to say?
A young girl seemed to appear out of nowhere
The girl, I mean Abigail, was very quiet at first. She just stared at us as the Czarina continued to talk to us. Louis-Charles continued to respond to the Empress, but he also whispered to me very quietly: The girl is watching us, but she is not as cordial as is the empress. She is like many at the court.
Just at that point Abigail blurted out: Can you two tell me how old you are?
Twelve, we both responded at the same time.
Abigail seemed to sigh, and said. So am I. I am very surprised that you are twelve. You French boys are very puny compared to Russian lads. At 12 they are already big and muscular and ready for combat. The two of you do not look like you are ready for breakfast.
Louis-Charles responded: Russian boys eat very differently than we do. Perhaps that is why they grow sooner. We will catch up someday.
Abigail snorted and then looked straight at me and said. And you do not even dress elegantly. I thought the French loved fashion and style.
To this I bowed slightly and said: Very possibly that is true, Your Excellency, but I am no Frenchman. I am a Venetian and an apprentice gondolier: I dress by another style.
Abigail gave her bored sigh again and said, Well, I much prefer Russian boys. I remember wondering to myself what Russian boys looked like. Just then I heard someone calling my name, and the scene in front of me seemed to dissolve.
Louis-Charles and I met the Contessa Foscari at the gates of the walled city

For a moment I was dazed, then I realized that we were back at Port Melioria. Had Louis-Charles really transported me to the court of the Empress of Russia? Or was he such a good storyteller that I could see what he was describing to me? Everything was so vivid until I heard another voice that woke me from my reverie. That was the Contessa Elena Foscari, who always used to spend time with us in the Orphanage.
Have you plans to stay at the port all morning, dear boys? she said to us. It will soon be time for breakfast: please do not delay. Come up to the villa now. You do not want to be late.
Until the Contessina spoke to us, I did not realize what time it was, but now I suddenly felt hungry No! I felt very hungry! I was grateful for her call, and Louis-Charles and I walked with her up the road to the villa. As we climbed the hill, I wondered how we had managed to visit the Czarina of Russia in Versailles. But I did have one consolation. Abigail was wrong! Louis-Charles and I were ready for breakfast! Let the boys of Russia beware!!