Easter Gifts
Communty News & Events
How lovely! Merci
A friend pointed out this post to me and I was quite glad to see it, and the ideas in it. I am responding to add the humble opinion of someone who is new to SL (two years old), new to role-play (have recently gone from not-a-clue, to getting some instruction), and though I love history and the idea of experiencing it in this format, I admit I am no learned student of it. I accidently found Duche Coeur (where I now have a home) and some time later, crashed into Rocca Sorrentina (my sailing skills are under develpment), where I was rescued and invited in to coffee, and where I now also have a home and enjoy the role play there. I mention all this because of the discussion above, about enticing new participants. I think, when you are knowledgeabe about a topic or activity it can become hard to remember what it's like not to be. From the point of view of someone who fairly recently became a new participant, I'd like to offer a couple suggestions as to how new people might be encouraged to join. I am thinking of people who are new to roleplay or historical role play (regardless how long they have been in SL), but also those who are new to SL and role play.
I know advertising your spaces and groups is a tricky balance of reaching the serious and dealing with the troublesome. bit there must be some way to become known to newer players or those who are new to role play. I had no idea at all, that I'd find recreations of historical places in SL, let alone that there would be royal courts and role play. Have your explored working with the better player-manged new player help centers to find interested people, let them know these places exist and what oportunities there may be? I'm thinking of places like Caledon, NCI, Helping Having etc. particularly those who have classes on role play, which seem like a perfect opportunity to advertise historical role play. Participating in certain hunts and markets is also an excellent way to become known. I discovered that Antiquity existed, in this way.
Along with that, may I suggest some assistance with how to rp in groups like yours? I think there is a distinction to be made between getting the word out on what activities go on (we do these things at these places on these days, come on by) and how to become involved in those activities. Perhaps this is where role play instructors or local mentors could provide some help. Is there an easy way for people to know how to begin? As you mentioned, what roles are possible or needed? How do they chose an appropriate character and develop that character? Can they come in with an NPC at first and see what it's like? What is the storyline and how do those get developed? Where to find period clothing? What are meters and crafting systems, and what is the purpose? How time consuming are they (how much time involved to participate in historical role-play). Is there someone in the group who does't mind being contacted with questions? If so, how do potential participants know about that?
Someone new to role play and certainly someone new to SL would have no idea about those things. Some general assistance on how to confidently become involved and feel like a contributing member could be a great encouragement. I can say that I visited some places early on where there was role play going on or even people dressed in character, and though I was interested, I fled, thinking I have no idea how to do what they are doing. I had no idea where to begin and I certainly wasn't going to interrupt to ask. I'd be in the way and a nuisance. I have since, been very lucky to have found some assistance and encouragement, and help from long-time players, otherwise I'd still be too overwhelmed to give it a try. I wonder how many others in SL would enjoy these kinds of groups, but don't know where to begin and quietly back away. We need to reach those people.
What an enjoyable event! Though I didn't compete, I had the fun of running the course with a friend, and learning to ride. I do apologize for the damage to the estate foliage, and I hope those walls won't be too hard to repair. I believe the horse will recover its nerve soon and forgive me, but I had a wonderful time. Congratulations to all who planned the event, and who participated, and a special cheer to the winners!
Some pictures: https://flic.kr/s/aHsm35DsnE
Una wrote:
I'm curious, within our group, if most everyone is growing everything they need, or have we ended up specializing to some extent. I grow grain, rence, rice and kalana, and raise chickens. I want to get more into woodworking and smithing but want to be buying supplies from the group. When I cook, I like to buy supplies too. I wondered if we knew what folks needed we could have those out for the Fresh Market / Farmer's market day, and perhaps also a (what to call it...) supplies market day, for those selling wood, tools, and such. Each market could also have a épicerie fine (if I found the right words), a deli for cooked foods?
I took the liberty of turning Una's comment into a discussion ~ Tat
Merci beaucoup!
Marcel? Oh mais non, Duchess. He and Clara will do you no harm. They are quite friendly.
Thanks to all who came to the banquet Saturday, Oct. 22, and special thanks to Donna Sere and Don Aldo for allowing me to use the Villa at Rocca Sorrentina. What a lovely setting for a feast, and feast we did! We followed our meal with a challenging game of Faro. Thankfully my cooking skill is better than my gaming skill....
The theme: Harvest Festival Buffet
I prepared an assortment of breakfast foods, seafood, breads, and main dishes of various meats, plus- desserts! (Thanks to all the QH chickens and goats who contributed in one way or another to this feast! Thanks too to the owners of lakes and streams who provided the catches of the day! I'm getting fond of sitting by the dock of the bay, watching the tide... well you know...)
Guests had their choice of QH wine, made from the finest harvests of my vineyard, plus some purchased mead and rence beer. Who didn't enjoy drinking from that horn? Come on now, admit it. I saw you.
Here are some photos . Some I took and some from a couple shutterbug helpers. Merci!
I will also post these and more on the Rocca Sorrentina flickr site. https://www.flickr.com/groups/2636644@N25/ under the allbum cqvLunaqatqv or https://www.flickr.com/photos/unalunaqat/albums/72157675550432436
Back home in my villa, my home away from maison,
tired but happy. When shall we meet again? I look forward to it!
Decided to get away from pounding out dough and standing in front of a hot stove in the kitchen, so I tried a totally different challenge, like smithing where I pounded on rock and used the blazing forge!! uh.. oh ...hmmm...