What historical rp would strike your interest ?
General Discussion
Did the years that I am in sl . seen many things come and go .
years have been at home in the world antiquity .
started in the early years of my avatar as a miner in a Russian village .
When I started as a tavern keeper , later as a soldier and have the carriage of the Imperial majesty to church drove her coronation itself.
After a while, the russian sim passed away in antiquity world .
I accidentally came upon the prince of Mont Saint Bruno of antiquity world .
I saved his life (his predecessor ) .
Ben then started as First secretary of MSB . I did also rp done in Prussischs court .
And there began as a soldier, First Minister and Minister of War .
Later in MSB also starting out as a physician and with the prince of Mont Saint Bruno a Pharmacy shopto promote, systeem the coin and also rp as a Physician . later started Jacon Cortes hospital .also for the rp and the coin system .
As you can see you can make many of your avatar that you can played
Did the Physician learned many things about the drugs when used in 1800 .
but also how to approach people as noble and royal 's
how to get people to go .
So whatever you choose a sim to setup
What choice do you like .
But what you want with it .
what you want to achieve . people to your sim
which time , . Period time.
Also what is found there in the records or information that you can find on the internet .
But also what is not yet in Second Life .
Wish you much fun with your design of your sim .
Greeting WilliamH Greymoon
William H. Greymoon , Duke of Orion , Doctor Medicinae .
Dresden , 1789
Greymoon WilliamH Milord ,
Duke ofSan Miguel, was appointed Royal Apothecary and Official Supplier of the Court of medicines , Ointments and all kinds of pharmaceuticals , physical and serving the King 's House . Carlos VI .
Count of Antiquity World.
First Secretary of Mont Saint Bruno , Physician of the Mont Saint Bruno , Bexar , of England ( William ) , Orange Nassau , Antiquity World