Fisher of the Month Challenge
QH Challenges
Congratulations, Stangbo. Wow.... You spent a lot of time angling!
Congratulations, Stangbo. Wow.... You spent a lot of time angling!
Today I cast my hook into the waters of Nuna Bay
2 tuna, a 3 pounder and a 7 pounder
1 eel
1 salmon
1 lobster
2 boxes of bazi tea, 4 branches, 2 baskets of gold ore
28 fish
That adds 13 points to my total. Paltry compared to others this month, but I am for now in 1st place in the tournament at Nuna Bay.
Monthly total: 16
Do you mean trading in person, or just buying things from market stalls?
Again with the Peaceful Open Market
1 seaweed, 1 salmon, 1 oyster
39 fish
1 Bazi Tea Seeds, 1 gold basket, 4 branches, book bottle (secret of the seas)
That brings my total points to 3.
45 fish in total.
Perhaps a new winemaking challenge for the new kind of winemaking?
After a bit of crafting at the farm, I tried a bit of fishing at the Peaceful Ocean Market, a location hosting a tournament for the next 2 and a half days.
I caught 6 fish, turned all into chowder, and got a box of branches.
Zero points so far, and 8 branches I don't know what to do with. Are those used with the new grapevines?
Attempt 1 is a bit of a bust, but the month is still young.