Gown Commissions...
Marketplace Archive ** CLOSED **
Sophia you are toooo sweet on me;)!
Please ladies, feel free to message me inworld, or send me a notecard, and I will get back with you asap! And thank you girls for your kind words, your truly lovely ladies, each one:)))!
Message Me: louisebathilde sapphire
To the Ladies of the Royal Courts:
My name is Louise Bathilde de Bourbon(louisebathilde sapphire), and I would love to announce that I will be doing gown commisions forladiesclothing.
I know and can craft things such as undergarments,shoes,hats, Robe a la Francaises, and of coarse my favorite Grand Habits de Cour! My prices are very reasonable and fairly done. I will post photos of gowns(things) I have created so that you may get an Idea of the work that I can do!
I call this gown Dove, another one of my Grand Habits.
Robe a la Francaise.
I can also do children's gowns.
Country day dresses.
My latestCommissionfor Comtesse Noailles
Bags or trunks lol, Love you guys, i will miss you all terribly, i will be thinking about yall!