John Wilmot Earl of Rochester
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Tartuffe, An exile returns (part two )

user image 2013-08-21
By: John Wilmot Earl of Rochester
Posted in:

Tartuffe gave the guard at the gate a letter . As he made to walk through the open gate . Hearing voices he turned to his left only to see her ! . Passing the time of day with a man in Mulberry velvet he could overhear the man complimenting her and his heart raced in his chest . Quickly he passed through the gate wishing to put as much space between them as possible . The apartment door creaked open stiff with months of neglect. Allthough the furnishings were covered in cloths the air in the rooms was fusty . Tartuffe pulled the cloth from a cabinet in the corner and his mind was filled with images of a scene months earlier when the Comte de Chiverny had sent his ruffians to take possesion of the rooms and their contents. He was curious as to why his furniture , hangings , and pictures remained.

Moving to the window he could watch the scene he had watched earlier . She was still there and so was the popinjay in Mulberry velvet , Tartuffe continued to watch the one he called Columbine her look still grave behind a mask of etiquette . Should he send her a note? Had she recognized him ? Would she still want him ? . All these questions clamoured inside his head . Perhaps he should write to her at least to explain his absence for so long. He sighed , 714_blogs.png?width=750

Candace Ducatillon
21 Aug 2013 12:02:35PM @candace-ducatillon:

A most enjoyable read ... grazie. Could you direct me please kindSiras to where I might be able to read Part 1; it seems to be evading me. Merci beaucoup

Candace Ducatillon
21 Aug 2013 01:06:51PM @candace-ducatillon:

Thank you so much; another captivating read indeed ~

John Wilmot Earl of Rochester
21 Aug 2013 02:49:30PM @john-wilmot-earl-of-rochester:

Merci Madame