VW: Second Life
Country: GB

tabula rasa
I've been given a journal to keep. I suppose writing things down might help me to remember, but then why do they not give me one with prior memories? I have asked if I may have some idea of who I am, but all they say is "Lady Olivia" or "Dowager Baroness Clive". I've yet to have a concrete answer, but I suppose the first thing I should do is to write down my name.
Clive, I suppose, though some call me Chapman and then correct themselves. The lady and gentleman with the worried expressions are called by that name, and say they are my parents. I do not know them.
My awakening brought me great fear, as one might imagine. I was told I had an incident - what, exactly, has not been disclosed. I find the lack of forthrightness quite appalling, but perhaps they are only withholding information that, if disclosed, would bring me greater discomfort.
After two weeks being fussed over and seen to by a positive army of physicians, I've been packed off on a ship to a place called La Rocca. I'm told that the weather is quite fine and temperate, and that I have many friends there.
I look forward to meeting them.
Welcome back Olivia and your blog is wonderful
((Thank you, Leena.
I'm looking forward to new adventures. I'm refreshed after a nice long break, and ready to wreak havoc on my poor character [cue dramatic music] muahahahaha))
Nice to read you again. You have a sweet pen.
((Thanks, Quecay
Perhaps it was a fall from one of your horses my dear. I had a little trouble with them myself.
With time, I hope all memory will return. Please come for coffee when you can; we will tell you stories that may jog forgotten images.