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VW: Second Life
Country: GB
VW: Second Life
Country: GB

Today marks the twelfth anniversary of the last day where sense and reason ruled my world; where everything was fine, and the future bright and assured. Tomorrow, the twelfth anniversary of everything changing.
To those of you who, like myself, lost a loved one, felt the impact, have the nightmares, and find it hard to breathe sometimes...
To those of you who, like myself, still stands in shock, looking back and remembering...
To all of us, who had our hopes stolen from us, and our peace of mind disturbed,
I wish you peace, comfort, the love of friends and family, and a restoration of hope.
The driver behind Oliva
Beautifully said
first off, I want to say to you how sorry I am for your loss. Even with the passage of time, we still feel those losses. At the same time, I know you understand that for those of us who saw that history happen first-hand there are actually some things we gained from the experience... You mention hope. How can you not have hope -- and faith in humanity -- having seen so many people -- friends, colleagues and strangers who responded to evil and hate with decency and self sacrifice. It was day when some of us got to see a few people at their worst, but more importantly, to witness the acts of many more people at their best.
The other very important thing is that when you have had such a vivid reminder that life is short and uncertain...and inherently dangerous...it gives you a perspective on other things that allows you to accept that little stuff is indeed little stuff, and there is no need to treat so many minor, unimportant things as great tragedies. In short, we understand that life is a gift, and we must make the most of every day for what it's worth.
"...How can younothave hope..."
Because as glorious as all those flags flying at every doorstep, as touching as the random hugs and helping hands and donations pouring in at ground zero, were, as deeply felt as those candles and flowers at embassies around the world, and they were, they truly were....
They're gone now. And all we're left with, is the empty promise of a better day. And in the past twelve years, all I've seen is the promise of more death.
Sorry to be a downer. I'm handing in my "get out of jail due to unbelievable duress" card. My heart and soul pour out every year. This year is no different. I'm on empty.