VW: Second Life
Country: GB

Yorkshire to London to La Rocca
I felt the wheels still beneath me turning, even long after having alit from the carriage. My parents had tried; nay all of my friends had tried to cajole me out of leaving the country too early. I had taken some day trips to socialize with some friends of my youth whom I had not seen since that time, and had barely been in one place long enough to enjoy the country.
I would miss the best fox hunts, they said. I had not been to a one.
I would be lonely in town all alone, they said. They knew not the value of solitude!
The season would not start again for another 3 months, but I could not stay in the country. No amount of snow-covered road nor harsh warning of a broken down carriage in a frozen wood could dissuade me. At last, a quiet house in which to gather my thoughts!
Packing and arguments aside, I made it to the London house in rather short order and happily found it empty but for a cook, assistant housemaid and a young boy who could manage, and would do for a valet should the need arise for any livery duties.
A mere day after arriving, I heard of changes made in my beloved La Rocca, and thought that may be just the sort of socializing I might be able and willing to do after all. I charged the staff with seeing that the regular housekeeper, butler, valets and maids might return when I return from the island, and no sooner had I arrived, than I departed.
I look forward to seeing my friends after such a long time away, and hope that the warmth both of the land and its inhabitants might wash the winter cobwebs from my mind.
Welcome back Lady Olivia, it was wonderful to see you again!
I am so glad you are returning. We have no fox hunts but we have many other fine things- including a warm and engaging community. Welcome home Lady Olivia!
Thank you Leena, Aph, Viscount (!?) It's good to be back among friends, and familiar landscapes. Hopefully, reality will stay tame for the foreseeable future, and I can slowly build up my pace again and start blogging again, regularly.