VW: Second Life
Country: BR

Letters from Leopoldine
Paris, May 25th 1774
My beloved sister,
I highly doubt you haven't heard of the news coming from France during the past weeks. As you probably know by now, the King Louis XV passed away over a week ago, and Louis Auguste is now our new King. The fateful day of May 10th shall never be forgotten by those who closely watched the pitiful, and then cheerful events that unfolded. The emotions were such that the poor Princesse de Lamballe fainted. I feel proud to say I was helpful to Madame as much as I could.
Regarding some vain subjects and court trivialities, I have not yet had the displeasure of seeing Lord D. , nor any gossip and whatsoever involving his person reached my ears. Monsieur Etiquette seems to have resigned his life as a courtier, for his name has been not mentioned in quite a while. Both of those happenings brought me much happiness and peace of mind.
I must add that Vicomte has once more gone away for hunting, one has to wonder what he finds so exciting about it, and I whole heartily hope that is not the company of other not accompanied men that is the main cause, as its being said in Paris.
But alas! Do write me more often Josephine, do not forget your lonely sister at Versailles!For she lives only in the hope of being reunited with her loved ones once more!
I kiss you and Anne on your foreheads.
Your most devoted sister, Leopoldine.