VW: Second Life
Country: BR

Letters from Leopoldine - 4
My dearest friend,
Customarily, even though you know my love for it, the mentions to hunting in my letters to you and to Josephine are carried with detrimental connotation, as they are always accompanied by a lamentation about the deplorable state of my marriage.
But this time I shall tell you through this letter about a most pleasant hunt I attended in the woods of Versailles. It was interesting to noticed that the majority of the courtiers there were ladies, being the King - after he arrived, not exactly on time I would add- the only gentleman among us, which seemed to disturb him deeply.
As the hunting began, I surprised not only myself but those surrounding me with my skills, which I was ignorant to until then. Louise was pretty good as well, but all eyes were set upon Mlle de Honfleur, a bourgeoisie lady as you can tell by the last name, which alone brings me such sweet memories. Some noble ladies seemed annoyed, but you know better than anyone how I have no problems with the bourgeoisie, much the contrary in fact.
She quickly surpassed me, and was the winner of the day. The king personally complimented her, and I was most happy for her achievement. His majesty spoke briefly and uncomfortably about the Queen, and at one point, spoke proudly of a watch, and as the Comtesse d'Artois, the ladies pretended to be very interested in that little piece. Clearly nervous the whole time he was talking to anyone, His Majesty left in a most rude manner, rushing away without a proper adieu. But alas, he seems so uncomfortable under the courtiers ever-judging stares that I cannot blame him at all.
About the Comtesse, she arrived without the Comte, and even latter than the King. It makes one wonder if d'Artois succeed in seducing that young Tancarville, as rumors said they met in secret in the gardens of Versailles. This makes me think if the marriages among the nobility are fated to be those of sadness and lovers.
I shall go rest now mon cherie, I kiss you and Josephine most affectionately.
( previous letter )
I love it, and the picture you included is wonderful!