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Courts and Sims

Sir Thomas Cave
13 years ago
149 posts

Hello Everyone,

I'm Delos Helstein, I have been in the courts for about seven months now, and held a rage of roles. My time has been enjoyable, and an enriching experience. Part of my love of being here, apart from History, and the different cultures, was exporing, and studying the architecture of various sims. When I search these groups and sims, does any of them actually exist? I see, several groups, based in places, but sims to not be found. If it's not a bother, I would like to know what still exists. Perhaps A section should be added in the Forum, a place where interestedmemberscan find the historical sims, that exist.

I know there is:

Chateau Du Versailles

Duch de Coeur

Marchesato di Sant'Elia

The Royal Court of Denmark

Chateau de Chenonceau

Principato di Melioria

The Royal Court of Portugal and Brazil

The Royal Court of Spain

Where are the sims (if they still exist, or will exist in the future) for:

When I state that a place doesn't exist, I am stating there is no Sims. Groups still exist.

Russia Empire of Catherine II - sim no longer exists, but the court seems to be active

Rusian Empire of Elizabeth I

Austrian-Hungary Empire of the late 19th century

Austrian Empire of the 18th century

Austrian Empire of 1830

The Court of Louis XVI ( which seems to be a double court, loosely based on Versailles at a Petite Trianon )

ThePrincipalityof Amalfi - The Sim is under the leader ship of his Royal Highness, PrinceNapoleon Starsider

Kingdom of Prussia - No Longer Exists

The Royal Court of Sweden - No Longer exists

The Royal Court of England, Whitehall - No Longer Exists

The Royal Court of Sardinia - No Longer Exists

The Mughal Empire - No Longer Exists

The Kingdom of Great Britain - No Longer Exists

Principality of Mount Saint Bruno - A Kingdom under the leadership of PrinceGaianed Francisco di Cremona

Archiducado de Bexar

The Royal Court ofOrange Nassau - The court does exist, under their Majesties, King Willem I and Queen Wilhelminaof the Netherlands .

The Duchy of Schelswig - The no longer exists

The Royal Court of Poland

The Principality of Paliano - Never Existed

The Duche de LaVauguyon ( Not to be mixed with me, or my wife, this Duche and Titles, are not from Versailles ) - No Sim exist, However the active titles are held by Delos helstein, and ConsueloVanderbilt, of the Chateau de Versailles. The Titles are also held by Lemont and Marion Rumsford in Connection to the court of Louis XVI, of the Petite Trianon

The Principality of Malta - No Longer Exist

The Island ofMajorca

The Principality ofMonaco - No Longer Exists

TheTeutonic Knights ofJerusalem - Never Had a sim

The Grand Duchy of Saxony

The Duchy of Parma

The Grand Duchy of Tuscany - The sim no longer exist, but the head of the Duchy is theactive, Grand DuchessSerenya Burnstein

Royal Court of Liechtenstein

Serenissima Repubblica di Venezia ( not to be mixed with the former one, this seems to be a new group, not related to the older sims and Group )

The Court of the Rose, Court of Henry VIII of England

Maison of Savoie - No Longer Exists


Does any of the second part still exist? Or are they empty groups still floating around. If there are LMs, It would be really awesome if it be posted. I would like to visit and explore these places, to view theirarchitecture,and read of the history and concepts behind it, as I am sure many would. All the places listed above, was found on this site, by looking at the groups or at past pictures. If there is other historical, or semi historical sims, where are they? what are the themes? I'm in awe of the 16th Century, 17th century, 18th century, the 19th century. Medieval.

If I make a mistake, please correct me!

There seems to be a brewing Debate on unintentional accusations, about things I didn't say, but other people seem to make of my words. For this reason Please send me a note in world, and I'll update this post here. This discussion is now closed.

updated by @sir-thomas-cave: 06 Oct 2016 06:09:09AM
Aimee Wheatcliffe
13 years ago
51 posts

Once I look for The Court of the Rose, too, and I've found this blog:

Walter Raleigh
13 years ago
7 posts

Most of these Courtsstill exist and I recall you visiting some of them before, without you acknowledging them in your previous statement. Another interesting Court to exploreis Kingdom of Maison of Savoie. I have also knowledge of the Duchy of Schleswigwhich I presume you are referring above in your comment. It requires a lot of time to learn about the Courts and haveinsights in their relations.All these Courts are legitime by the merit of their existenceand should be respected as equal to each other an by each other. Good luck on yourinvestigations.

Paul Franois de La Vauguyon

Sir Thomas Cave
13 years ago
149 posts

Nice Statement.

I looked up Maison of Savoie and theDuchy of Schleswig, it doesn't seem to to exist anymore, sim wise. If they do, a LM or a Slur would be helpful.

Franois de La Vauguyon

Sir Thomas Cave
13 years ago
149 posts
Thanks, that helps clear up some!
Walter Raleigh
13 years ago
7 posts

Who am I to provide that information. It is enough to look at their groups and contact the appropriatecourtiers of these groups, they will glady help you out. As a loyal member of Versailles you are certainly aware that lots of these members are alsoalong the courtiers from Versailles as they have to reside closely to the King to obtain preferences. It will not require long rides with your carriage to reach out to them. How about that for a good start.

Paul Franois de La Vauguyon

Marie-Adélina de La Ferrière
13 years ago
80 posts
I had a conversation with someone about this yesterday. I hope for all the best with the various courts (i.e. drama-free!). Silly question (or suggestion?) but which Courts are "opened" for participants, and reserved only for the ruling dynasty?
Maria Carolina von Habsburg
13 years ago
17 posts
Some of these courts keep their sims closed to group only in order to keep out the drama. Others like Empress Catherine's Russia are on a break till fall when they will open their sims again. But like Paul Franois de La Vauguyon said contact the appropriatecourtiers of these groups and I'm sure they'll help you out.
Catalina Méndez de Haro y Guzmán
13 years ago
15 posts


Well, I can give information about two RP you have in doubt:

-Kingdom of Maison de Savoie still exists, but have changed of sim some months ago, this place was the ancient Royaume du Lys, but it changed also of name. Anyway, it's more a shopping place than a RP nowadays.

-About that Court of Louis XVI in the Trianon, I remember it very well, but it dissapeared two years ago I think.

Hope you will find it helpful! :)

Walter Raleigh
13 years ago
7 posts

If not offended to much, may I add this remark:

La Cour Royalede Louis XVI,Roide Franceet deNavarre

I repeat, by the merit of their existence in Sl and Ning,they don't "seem" to be a "double" court, "loosely" based on Versailles at "a Petite Trianon"

Pairie-Duch de La Vauguyon

I repeat, by the merit of their existence in Sl and Ning, they don't "seem" to be a "double" court, "loosely" based on Versailles at "a Petite Trianon"

This Duch and Titles, as the group name indicate, areserving a Court called La Cour Royalede Louis XVI.The active titles are held byPaul Franois de La Vauguyon and Marie-Antoinette de Pons de Roquefort. Connection to the court of Louis XVI, "of the Petite Trianon" exist as a Pairie-Duch to the French Court. There is no connection or "loosely" connection with a Sim calledVersailles and the Titles are earned by loyalty and respectexpressed towards the King and Queen of France.

Feel free to update your listing upon thesecourts.

Paul Franois de La Vauguyon

Sir Thomas Cave
13 years ago
149 posts
Thank you, I'll add the bit about the Russian Court. Does the courts that remain private, does that represent the Austrian courts? If so, I'll add that, that those are private on the list.
Sir Thomas Cave
13 years ago
149 posts
Well the idea despite some seem incredibly defensive for no reason, was just to state if all these ghost groups, and titles actually had a sim, or a RP based somewhere. So I was creating a list of the courts that I saw on ning, if they are still around, or did theyvanishto help the confusion, and provide a list of places to explore for people like me.
Sir Thomas Cave
13 years ago
149 posts
You have done well to addinjuryto insult, and have take the time, and time again to offend me. As you said before "Who am I to provide that information" lets shorten that to "Who are you?" Who are you always seem to question me, you seem to know a great deal about me, and yet I haven't met you. Your not so smart, childish comments are notappreciate. You can claimlegitimacy as much as you want,on things outside your power. I did send a note to you in world but you didn't have the heartto comment back. Now I ask you, please do not comment anything that I post, or in regards to me. I state this discussion had nothing to do with politics, or any of thatnonsense. It's just a list of Sims, that existed in the history of Ning, if they still exist or if they don't. Argue the battle of merit, loyaly, and what ever else with the sim owners. I will say nothing more with this.