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The Great Balloon Adventure 1783 - A film by Celestial Elf

Bedrich Panacek
15 years ago
21 posts

The Montgolfier Brothers were the inventors of the hot air balloon that was the first manned ascent into the sky. Celestial Elf has captured the inspiration of this flight with his latest video, shot on location in the Duch de Coeur, and starring Freesky Republic and our very own Trasgo Beaumont.

A special thanks to all of those early Saturday morning risers, and those that stayed up VERY late Friday night!A special smile to Frangi, who is featured swooning. Fortunately, she was awoken from her shock byDr. Pekel, who was standing close by. (Is this a coincidence or is he often standing by when beautiful women faint?)

Celestial Elf will be shooting other videos in the duchy and at other locations throughout Age of Enlightenment lands. Please be sure to watch for casting calls.

updated by @bedrich-panacek: 06 Oct 2016 06:03:14AM
Candace Ducatillon
15 years ago
204 posts
Congratulations to all the video stars cast in this lovely and entertaining production in the beautiful Duche de Coeur.
Docteur Panacek
15 years ago
69 posts
Dear Duke, my dear cousin Bedrich... As you well know since our youth... my path has always been guided by Fortuna, the Roman Goddess of fortune and the very personification of Luck itself... It is my faith, my destiny, my curse, to be always there when a beautiful lady needs medical assistance... So no, its no coincidence... One simply cannot escape Destiny itself...But above all, i think Monsieur Republic has done a magnificent job. It was an honor to be there at the right spot and the right moment. He has my deepest respect.