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Versailles Job opening: Scandalous lady needed!

MarieLouise Harcourt
12 years ago
647 posts

Do you like MONEY?

Can you put aside your PRIDE?

Are you a married, French noblewoman?

If you meet all of thecriteria above, then you are just who Jeanne-Christine de Fiennes is looking for! This recently married lady wishes to be presented to the court, so she can partake in all court activities. The lady willing to present her upcoming friday at 12 pm SLT will be paid 100,000 sous to make up for the (reputation)damage!*

Whoever contacts MarieLouise Harcourt first and really is able to be present there friday at 12 pm SLT gets the responsibility!

*Did you know that for the presentation to the court of Madame du Barry, the Comtesse de Bearn was paid off her debts and positions for her sons at court were promised? Also, the dowager princesse de Conti's debts were paid off by the King for presenting madame de Pompadour. Such bribes to put aside honor and present someone shady to the court were not too uncommon!

updated by @marielouise-harcourt: 06 Oct 2016 06:19:06AM
Louis XVI
12 years ago
11 posts

Someone should give Mrs. Luynes a call, I dare say.

François II de France
12 years ago
2 posts

I would do it, if I were married :)

Sidonie Laborde
12 years ago
83 posts
Hopes that nobody will do this!Such a scandalous woman...