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Royal Court of Prussia a Protectorate of Antiquity

Jacon Cortes
14 years ago
252 posts
July 7, 2011

Jacon Cortes
Interim Prime Minister of Antiquity
Duke, Kingdom of Antiquity
Serene Duque de Bexar

To all Royal Houses, Courts, Nations and Lands of Second Life:

Over the past few weeks, a situation has developed between two royal households that has escalated to a level that has both disappointed and sadden me as it has evolved. What started with an exchange of dreadful communications between the rulers, has deteriorated to the point it diminishes all the work all of the Courts we share this world with.

Although we say this with much grief, this is not the first time issues of these sorts have come to light between other rival courts. Some of the behavior far exceeds acceptable. It is time the Royal Courts to come of Age. The Royal Courts must come together to work for a common good, as other like minded groups have been able to do, or live in an endless cycle of bitterness and deception. This is not the world that is in anyones best interests. The Government of Antiquity and the Royal House applaud the efforts of some of the Courts to establish a Royal Court Alliance. Any effort to increase the cooperation of the Royal Courts is seen as a positive for us all.

The exchange of slanderous or abusive correspondence is not the policy or the manner in which the Government of Antiquity addresses issues. The Government of Antiquity, and the Royal House, understand the importance of mediation and diplomacy in the solving of all issues before us. The Government of Antiquity deplores the uses of attack correspondence as a means of assault on one another. The Government of Antiquity and the Kingdom of Antiquity understands the importance of sovereignty. We will recognize valid established courts and their Sovereignty and will be open to discussions on relations with all Royal Houses, Courts, Nations and Lands of Second Life.

The Government of Antiquity and the Royal House also do not approve of accusations against other Royal Houses, Courts, Nations and Lands of Second Life. The Government of Antiquity would like to apologize to all who have been offended by these actions. Although the Government of Antiquity and the Royal House respects the Sovereignty of the Royal Court of Prussia, it does not support this manner of behavior on any level internally within Antiquity or externally. With the abdication of King Friedrich II of Prussia, the Government of Antiquity and the Royal House issue the following decree.


The Government of Antiquity and the Royal House declare the Royal Court of Prussia to be a Protectorate of the Government of Antiquity and the Kingdom of Antiquity. All lands, titles and group pertaining to the Royal Court of Prussia are included in this decree. The Crown of Prussia has been and will remain part of the Government of Antiquity and the Royal House. This is considered an internal issue and will be treated as such. The Royal Court of Prussia is part of the Government of Antiquity and resides within the Kingdom of Antiquity. Effective imminently, His Highness Joachim Murat, Grand Duke of Berg, of the Royal Court of Prussia, is appointed Royal Regent of the Royal Court of Prussia. His Highness will be entrusted with the affairs of the Royal Court of Prussia until a new King can be named and the court reorganized. His Excellency, Hector Faldian will remain in his position of Prime Minister. They will be entrusted with reorganizing the Court until a new King can be named.

All Official Correspondence or Diplomatic Communications should be directed to His Highness, Joachim Murat, Royal Regent of the Royal Court of Prussia, Hector Faldian, Prime Minister of the Royal Court of Prussia and a duplicate submitted to the Prime Minister of Antiquity, Jacon Cortes. The Royal Court of Prussia has a proud history in Antiquity and Antiquity looks forward to the reorganization of the Court and the naming of the new King.

This is considered an internal matter with in the Government of Antiquity and the Royal House. Any attempt to interfere with the reorganization of the Royal Court of Prussia, will be considered as a breech of Sovereignty.

Jacon Cortes de Bexar
Interm Prime Minister of Antiquity
Duke, Kingdom of Antiquity
Serene Duque de Bexar

His Royal Highness Jacon Cortes de Bexar Prince of Antiquity, Duke of Cumberland, Duque de Bexar, Duc de la Valliere, Marchese di MSB

updated by @jacon-cortes-de-bexar: 06 Oct 2016 06:07:36AM