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Angel of the Innocents Memorial

Jacon Cortes
9 years ago
252 posts

Angel of the Innocents Memorial

Memorial to the
Innocent Lives Lost
Wars, Terrorism, Domestic Violence and Tragic Accidents

We are empty. Unable to believe.
We weep. Helpless.
Our souls, covered in tears
We pray. Desperately for answers
Darkness and silence cover our hearts
Innocents lost in vain.
Searching, struggling to understand, grasping for reason the unreasonable.

This past week, we have all been shocked and saddened by the horrible news of the the bombings in Belgium. Usually when something like this happens, my first reaction is to stop for a moment and pray for the victims.
As I log in to SL and head to the Antiquity Cathedral to light a candle. I select an area, to the left of the Altar, and hang a Belgium flag, some kneeler's and a table for people to place candles and mementos. Just as I am finishing the area, I was informed that there was another bombing, this time in Turkey. I start to make candles with the Turkish flag to add to the area. As I am working yet more come to my attention. Iraq...and then Pakistan.
All in all, the total comes to 4 bombings in one week. So much death and suffering.
After all this, combined with other past events, London, Madrid, Paris, 911 and many others, I decided that a small nook for candles and flags did not do the victims justice nor does it show the true hurt, anger and helplessness I am feeling. This was the inspiration for the, Angel of the Innocents.
So many Innocent souls are lost every day, not only to terrorism, but to other tragic circumstances, natural disasters, domestic violence and wars. I felt I needed, we needed, a place we could honor these Innocents lost. A place to lay a candle or memento to remember the lost. To never forget these Innocents lost.

All are welcome to come to the memorial and light a candle or leave some flowers. At the entrance of the Memorial Gardens, you will find Candles, flowers and little flags you can place at the memorial. They are free, and each will last for 7 days before self deleting.

Everyone is welcome to visit the Memorial. Even when we are not physically there, these things touch us all. As the world gets smaller, we become closer.


His Royal Highness Jacon Cortes de Bexar Prince of Antiquity, Duke of Cumberland, Duque de Bexar, Duc de la Valliere, Marchese di MSB

updated by @jacon-cortes-de-bexar: 26 Sep 2016 12:46:45PM
9 years ago
123 posts

This is a great and emotional idea, Jacon. Thank you for such wonderful initiative about some events which touch us deeply, no matter where we live.

I will go there to leave my candle and flowers.

Gracias de corazn, Jacn.

Jacon Cortes
9 years ago
252 posts

Gracias Quecay. Please come by anytime you like..Simpre Bienvenidos

His Royal Highness Jacon Cortes de Bexar Prince of Antiquity, Duke of Cumberland, Duque de Bexar, Duc de la Valliere, Marchese di MSB