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History Month in Kitely in August

9 years ago
34 posts

There's a plan underway for a History Month in Kitely in August.

The event will be divided into 4 time period as follow:

Week 1: Greco/Roman
Week 2: Medieval 500-1500
Week 3: 1600-1700's
Week 4: 1800's to 1914

The events are still being decided but will be host in different sims of Kitely. It is good time for those of Royal Court who have sims in Kitely and would like to participate to raise your hand :)

Also everyone is allowed to participate and of course any historical builders, creators, sellers who wish to have a window of opportunities are welcome to join too.

I will post additional info as it goes

The forum discussion is here

updated by @louis-francis-de-beauharnois: 26 Sep 2016 12:47:45PM