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Canceled Due to Technical Difficulties: Oct. 17th: State Dinner & Fashion Show

Mansur Marawi
7 years ago
62 posts

Oct 13:

Just an fyi: I think I'm going to cancel the upcoming Kalahari state dinner. Until I can get my machine up and running, I'm just not able to do any graphics or crowd-intensive stuff. I crash half the time I try to come online.

This is why I need some helpful staff to pick up my slack sometimes, so if you want to volunteer, please do!

Also not sure I can continue to post calendars, as those files are on my old hard drive. RP classes, Doctor's Hours, and family/harem nights to continue as usual.


Come one, come all!

Larl Valley welcomes the court of King Hassan ibn Trrrol of the independent kingdom of Kalahari. Festivities include:

  • a state dinner
  • 18th century fashion show
  • a desert expedition? (tentative)
  • build contest? (tentative; best/most authentic period dish?)

Events to begin at approximately 1 P.M. SLT. Food and lodging provided. Notecard SirCharlesMormont Resident with the size of your expected family and retinue.

OOC Note:

I'm still looking for volunteers to participate. Lots of ways to help! Donate prizes for the fashion show. Offer to dance, play music, or otherwise entertain. Compete in the fashion show. Be a dinner guest. Serve during the meal. 

Then, on the 19th, we're invited to visit Kalahari!

Owner, the NEW Larl Valley:

updated by @mansur-marawi: 13 Oct 2018 07:51:23AM