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VSL Meter (Versailles in SL): A RP vision

Anne, Comtesse de Noailles
13 years ago
263 posts

To be introduced at Chteau de Versailles & the Cour Royale de France in january!

1) Introduction

Eating among other activities is one of our life essentials. We consume goods that are more or less good for our health and serve the goal to nurish our body and meet its daily needs. Esspecially in the 18th century and at a massive court such as Versailles a lot of importance and value was attached to comfortable and exquisite soupers and meals in your own rooms. However, only a limited number of courtiers would have this possibility. Most of them resided in tiny apartments with a few servants that would not make any form glamourous court life impossible. Thus, royal favour or promotion from the higher ranking did not only entail political influence it would also bring about a more advanced lifestyle, better apartments and eventually better food! For instance, merely a few would enjoy the privilege of having their own cook. So called "wild kitchens" - some form of extremely shabby wood shacks - were set up in the corridors in some parts of the palace to cook meals for the less fortunate ones. Those would consider themselves lucky enough to be invited to one ot two soupers in more representative apartments.

Even at one of the largest courts in Europe access to good food was regarded as a token of wealth and prestige! It was not the norm whatsoever.

The VCS Health Meter's primary objective is to bring a completely new level of realism to the court roleplay of Chteau de Versailles in SL. The current supply of the body with food is depicted in a nutrition level that ranges between 0 and 120 points. Insufficiant or profuse supply with food may have negative effects (the avatar faints and remains unconscious for a while). This is the case if the level drops below 10 or exceeds 119 points. Too much ingestion at a time may cause you to vomit which will have a significant effect on the nutrition level / health altogether. It is suggested to dose one's intake of food carefully in order to avoid a mishap in front of the entire court - what scandalous gossip would this be!

Even though the meter can be hidden with a simple command ( say /1 txt to show and hide the health meter) anyone will be aware of your current level! Thus, precautions ought to be taken; no lady would want to gain a reputation as a little piggy, nor would any gentleman like to be regarded as too poor to afford enough food!

1503_discussions.jpg?width=750 These stalls are located in front of the chteau. You can purchase different types of take away food here:

1504_discussions.jpg?width=750 For those who want to compose their own food or just buy household equipment: Le march royal in Picasso:


2.1) SETUP

Attach the meter to your avatar for setup. Re-attach the meter hereafter to configure your health level. It is now ready for use!


/1 txt - hides / shows the health level
/99 rpg TYPE NAME HERE - changes the display name of the meter
/99 hide - hides / shows the name tag

The main purpose of consumable goods such as food or drinks is to improve your health level. This rule applies for the majority of goods. However, you will also sometimes encounter products that are either wasted (usually cheaper products) or simply unhealthy (alcohol etc.). Those on the contrary will cause your health level to decrease. Two sorts of goods are offered as explained in the following two paragraphs.

How to consume / use products

Most products clearly indicate how they should be used or consumed. Usually finger food can directly be worn from the inventory to be eaten. This rule applies when the given object's name includes the addition "wear me" behind the object's name. Otherwise attaching to the avatar will have no effect! For instance some products - such as cookies, petits fours and cups - should be rezzed first for display. Users may then click the respective object to receive its contents - an identical animated copy of the same object. The display object will be deleted hereafter making it appear as though the user literally "took" the object. A wearable item can now be found in a folder in your inventory! Bon apptit!

Take away dishes and meals (ready to eat menus) should be rezzed (e.g. on a table) for display. Individual ingridients (like meat, salad, tomatos etc) can thereafter be clicked to be consumed / used. It is not possible to attach these as each component is not linked to each other. This feature leaves the user the choice which ingridient he would like to "eat" first.

PLEASE NOTE : Anyone near you is able to use your products to increase his own health level once they are rezzed. First come, first served!

All products are automatically deleted / deactivated after use. There is no exception to this rule.

These products are designed for instant (rez & click) use and require no special preparation - for instance by servants. These can be ready to eat gourmet meals or drinks. A major supplier of this service is currently "Le Cuisinier du Roy" which offers a wide range of meals for different occassions.

These products can be purchased to create custom meals. Different vegetables, spices and kinds of meat can be combined by your servants or yourself to please your own demands.

If you faint - in case your health level is <10 or >120 - the only way to regain consciousness is to use a "medpack" (these can be worn or rezzed and then activated). Medpacks restore your consciousness and reset your health level - re-attachment is required hereafter. Your health level will then rise to 11. It is there therefore recommended to consume food as soon as possible in order to prevent further faints.

Medpacks can be any object that would have been to cure sicknesses or revive people: Certain potions, herbes or even certain kinds of alcohol! Medpacks will be available for sale on markets associated with the Versailles in SL (La Cour royale de France) RP or cooperating roleplays.

updated by @anne-comtesse-de-noailles: 06 Oct 2016 06:10:50AM
Lady Hartfield
13 years ago
264 posts

I am SO excited about this. Finally we have something for servants to "do" besides click on doors, bow or curtsey, and just stand around in general; I think (and hope) that they are really going to become essential to the RP and that the roles will be attractive and grow from this actual necessity, to also doing the "door clicks" and greetings, being confidantes, and so on. Beyond that, it will just be fun - I was at a delightful dinner party last night, we were all having great fun chatting, and I thought how fun it could be if one of the lovely desserts could have been rezzed for everyone and we could all enjoy it, as we RP enjoying whatever dessert is on the host's table now ... only this you "eat" bit by bit off of the plate, and it increases your health, really it will be interesting and I think fun to incorporate into our RP. I know how hard you've worked on this and I'm delighted that it has turned out so so beautifully, really brilliant!!