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Today Her Majesty the Queen had died / La Reina ha Muerto!

Elisabetta Farnese e Neuburg
12 years ago
14 posts

Envo mis recuerdos a todos los miembros de la Corte Real de Espaa y del a Cortes Reales en Ning ...

Esta vez, debo ser portadora de muy malas noticias, Hoy ha muerto en el Real Sitio de Aranjuez, SM Doa Brbara de Braganza, Reina Consorte de Espaa. El Consejo de Ministros ha acordado no brindar sepultura en la capilla de Reinas, pues SM no trajo al mundo ningn heredero de la Corona.

I send my best wishes to all members of the Royal Court of Spain and Royal Courts of Ning...

This time, I must be the bearer of bad news, has died today at the Royal Site of Aranjuez,HM Doa Brbara de Braganza, Queen Consort of Spain. The Council of Ministers has agreed not to provide burial in the chapel of Queens, becauseHM did not bring into the world any heir to the throne.

Tras tales acontecimientos, yo como reina viuda, volver al Palacio Real, porque mi hijastro el Rey no se encuentra bien de salud, siendo mi deber cuidar de sus intereses y de la Corona de Espaa. Adicionalmente ,yo me encargar a partir de hoy de los asuntos del Reino con el cuerpo de Ministros.

After such events, I as the Queen Dowager, back to the Royal Palace, because The Kingmy stepson is not in good health, still my duty isto lookforour interests and the Crown of Spain. Additionally, I'll take from today affairs of the Kingdom to the body of Ministers.

Gracias a todos ... os dejo unas miradas...

Thanks to all ... you have some looks ... my Regards..The Queen Mother.

updated by @elisabetta-farnese-e-neuburg: 06 Oct 2016 06:18:56AM